I guess I don't see how this adds to Demandred's character development at all. This says almost nothing about Demandred and a lot about Rand. We already knew that Lews Therin was arrogant. It doesn't give Demandred any less of a cartoon bad guy reason for becoming what he has become.
Demandred is still the comic book character that went over to the Shadow because his pride couldn't stand being in Lews Therin's shadow any longer. So what if Lews Therin was kind of a prick in the way he kept outshining him? Demandred's motivation for trying to bring about the end of all creation as we know it is still that Lews Therin was a little bit better than him and a prick.
Demandred may turn out to be a highlight in the book, but only because he has perhaps laid some awesomely competent plans, not because his backstory is suddenly richer.
Demandred is still the comic book character that went over to the Shadow because his pride couldn't stand being in Lews Therin's shadow any longer. So what if Lews Therin was kind of a prick in the way he kept outshining him? Demandred's motivation for trying to bring about the end of all creation as we know it is still that Lews Therin was a little bit better than him and a prick.
Demandred may turn out to be a highlight in the book, but only because he has perhaps laid some awesomely competent plans, not because his backstory is suddenly richer.
A little learning is a dangerous thing.
AMOL chapter 1: Demandred
26/09/2012 05:56:20 PM
I found this utterly refreshing. A Forsaken who isn't 100% villain, and LTT who wasn't 100% the hero
26/09/2012 06:50:40 PM
I think you are getting your hopes up unjustifiably.
26/09/2012 07:59:37 PM
Getting my hopes up that RJ improved his portrayal of villains, yes.
26/09/2012 09:20:50 PM
I agree, I would love to see Demandred throw a coup and become ultra-badass Naeblis
27/09/2012 04:03:02 AM
I think you're going to be disappointed
27/09/2012 07:17:30 AM
Undoubtedly I will be...
27/09/2012 07:59:46 AM
Re: Undoubtedly I will be...
27/09/2012 09:16:29 AM
The duel with Lanfear killed hundreds of innocent bystanders?
27/09/2012 03:40:14 PM
Re: The duel with Lanfear killed hundreds of innocent bystanders?
27/09/2012 03:45:22 PM