yet even with this pain. Part of you even if it is just instinct crawling through the abyss of despair, part of you ... hopes. Even when you know that hope is a lie.
I remember a wicked and ironic sense of humor, but it's been a few years.
I am a person who has suffered through depression my entire life. I am a person who has experienced a lot of pain, including personal neglect that is bordering on abuse.
And I am gifted with a sense of empathy, that me makes me extremely aware of the pain of others, so much so that part of me is always behind layers so I am not so overwhelmed by this sense of empathy. I feel each other pain so clearly.
I can't really put this into words well... but one good fictional representation of what I feel often is the character Gregory House of the show House M.D. He is clearly for lack of the better word "damaged" and "hurting" yet it isn't necessary that can be healed or fixed.
Even though he knows that life is miserable and full of pain, he realize at least it is out there, it least it exists, at least life has meaning even if in the grand scheme of things it is a speck of dust it is insignificant.
What drives you out of bed in the morning?
06/02/2010 06:29:48 PM
Heh. I think I'll answer this because, well, I like being depressing.
06/02/2010 07:49:25 PM
I'm a wage slave, if I don't get up I don't get paid, which would cause a few life issues *NM*
08/02/2010 12:30:38 AM
Life is miserable and full of pain
08/02/2010 12:54:19 AM
How serious is Matt being?
08/02/2010 01:06:31 AM
Umm. I don't know if he was being serious but I totally identified with his answer.
09/02/2010 03:00:53 AM
I am being serious
09/02/2010 06:22:43 AM
My crowing roosters usually wake me up...
08/02/2010 05:21:57 PM
I have to wake up early to renew the protective wards that hold the demon world back.
08/02/2010 07:48:38 PM