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Yes. Rebekah Send a noteboard - 28/03/2011 05:00:58 PM
Why or why not?

To keep track of my knitting, mostly.

If you have one:

-Can you tell me what it's primarily about (or link it?)

See the link at the bottom of the page. It's mostly about knitting and food, although it sometimes strays into other things.

-Do you find that people enjoy reading it, or is it mostly for you?

It's mostly for me, although some friends and family members do comment on it now and then.

-Why didn't I know about this before now?

It's not my fault you refuse to click the things I link on Facebook.

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read. - Groucho Marx
Stuff I like.
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Do you have a blog? - 28/03/2011 03:14:27 AM 891 Views
I have four, actually - 28/03/2011 03:36:13 AM 562 Views
I have one. I mostly ramble on it. - 28/03/2011 04:08:10 AM 556 Views
Right here baby - 28/03/2011 04:08:50 AM 754 Views
Well now... - 28/03/2011 07:17:48 AM 536 Views
Well, a livejournal, if that counts - 28/03/2011 03:15:06 PM 551 Views
Yes. - 28/03/2011 05:00:58 PM 710 Views
i do, indeed - 28/03/2011 08:18:05 PM 829 Views
Re: Do you have a blog? - 28/03/2011 08:41:12 PM 492 Views
I'm... developing something... lazily... *NM* - 28/03/2011 09:49:22 PM 234 Views
Asssuming twitter doesn't count the answer would be no - 28/03/2011 11:03:03 PM 503 Views
I sure do - 28/03/2011 11:24:08 PM 637 Views
No. But I do follow the odd one. - 29/03/2011 04:07:16 AM 520 Views
Blogs. Blarg. - 29/03/2011 06:23:57 AM 903 Views
I do, in point of fact. - 29/03/2011 07:14:15 AM 486 Views
I do not... - 29/03/2011 08:08:33 AM 532 Views
no, but i do have a webcomic *NM* - 29/03/2011 05:17:27 PM 231 Views
Nope - 29/03/2011 07:19:25 PM 590 Views
I just started one... - 30/03/2011 04:06:29 AM 847 Views
Re: Do you have a blog? - 30/03/2011 10:01:08 PM 697 Views

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