View original post1) Which is your favourite Austen novel? Why?
Persuasion. It's a more believable love story, it's tenderly and beautifully written, and I love Captain Wentworth.
View original post2) Least favourite? Why? Or just rank the lot of them if you feel like it.
Mansfield Park. It's mostly boring, and Fanny Price is not as sparkling as Austen's other heroines.
View original post3) What do you think of the immense amount of attention Austen and her novels get? Entirely deserved, wildly overrated, somewhere inbetween?
Very much deserved. Her novels have very keen observation of people's character and behaviour.
View original post4) Favourite character? Least favourite?
Henry Tilney is lovely. Least would be Mary Bennett.
View original post5) Favourite TV or movie adaptation, besides the obvious answer (just to keep things interesting)?
I love the ITV adaptation of Emma, with Kate Beckinsale and Mark Strong. And Persuasion with Ciaran Hinds and Amanda Root.
View original post6) What do you make of the recent craze involving the adaptation of Austen novels with various kinds of monsters added?
I liked P&P & Zombies. But the others just take it too far. Not a big fan of bandwagon jumping.
View original post7) What do you think explains the enduring popularity of these works, when so many other 19th and 20th century writers (to say nothing of older ones) have been almost completely forgotten?
Their wit and their warmth and their romance.
View original post8) Do you think of Austen as a conservative and/or a prude, or do you feel that by the standards of her time she could be considered progressive? Why (not)?
Neither, I think she's somewhere in the middle.
View original post9) Any other observations you'd care to make on this or any however tangentially related topic?
If I were less tired then perhaps.
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read. - Groucho Marx
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read. - Groucho Marx
/Survey: Jane Austen
02/07/2013 08:51:08 PM
It is a truth universally acknowledged...
02/07/2013 09:04:07 PM
Strangely enough, I'm that person who has never read Austen.
02/07/2013 09:16:23 PM
Then I guess the question becomes which one to recommend to you, eh?
02/07/2013 09:43:02 PM