Active Users:1234 Time:19/12/2024 11:14:21 AM
Re: Um.. thanks. Now how about an explanation that Rand is the main character? Cannoli Send a noteboard - 10/04/2010 04:00:12 AM
As for Elayne, I would certainly hope to see more from her. She still seems the most childish to me (trying to lead a cavalry charge? I wanted to spew).

When did she every try to lead a cavalry charge, aside from a sarcastic comment to Birgitte that she was planning to do so? Considering the lack of brains shown by all the other leaders in that situation, maybe she should have tried to lead it. She DOES have the Power, after all, and could protect herself better than anyone else. When other people die for her, you people blame her for letting it happen and call her uncaring and callous. When she tries to take the risks on herself, you all call her arrogant or foolhardy.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Elayne... best supporting actress? - 19/02/2010 04:21:58 PM 2034 Views
Re: Elayne... best supporting actress? - 19/02/2010 04:50:56 PM 892 Views
Agree on most points - 19/02/2010 05:52:34 PM 785 Views
Look at Dragonmount starting page .. - 19/02/2010 06:08:25 PM 897 Views
Re: Elayne... best supporting actress? - 19/02/2010 06:31:53 PM 1011 Views
Hrmm - 20/02/2010 02:48:09 AM 698 Views
Re: Hrmm - 20/02/2010 04:35:01 AM 768 Views
ic *NM* - 20/02/2010 09:34:24 PM 348 Views
Um.. thanks. Now how about an explanation that Rand is the main character? - 19/02/2010 07:22:11 PM 988 Views
Re: Um.. thanks. Now how about an explanation that Rand is the main character? - 03/03/2010 06:29:13 AM 712 Views
Re: Um.. thanks. Now how about an explanation that Rand is the main character? - 10/04/2010 04:00:12 AM 631 Views
she's should have more to come - 19/02/2010 08:25:06 PM 747 Views
Re: Elayne... best supporting actress? - 20/02/2010 10:02:11 AM 839 Views
Egwene IMO is the female lead - 20/02/2010 02:20:50 PM 973 Views
Well, she was the star of Luca's Circus - 21/02/2010 11:26:58 PM 746 Views
That was an incredible "WTF?" moment for me - 22/02/2010 06:21:09 PM 754 Views
Re: Elayne... best supporting actress? - 01/03/2010 12:33:05 AM 762 Views
Bowl of the Winds + Windfinders & Kin - 02/03/2010 06:00:43 AM 700 Views

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