That being said, I did always gets a "theme park/amusement ride" feel from "The Wheel of Time" - I actually thought it was set in a Western, frontier American setting for the longest time due to this book's cover, and I was initially interested because it wasn't the same old quasi-medieval fantasy that other books were.
Although Eye of the World was the first book that I read in the series, the first book I was introduced to was The Shadow Rising. A friend of mine was reading it, and strongly recommended the series. When he showed me the cover, it looked remarkably like a frontier-esque sort of novel. To me, the cover looked like pioneers traveling through the desert. I guess you could call it a classic case of "judging a book by its cover".
"Take the Gleeman!" Rand and Mat cried, throwing Thom to the Myrddraal. Then they ran away as fast as they could, and Thom's screams quickly faded into the distance along with any inconvenient feelings of guilt.
Professor Roberts reads "The Shadow Rising"
02/04/2010 02:38:57 PM
Well, I was keeping his reviews in one thread way down below...
02/04/2010 09:44:42 PM
More garbage.
02/04/2010 11:59:13 PM
Me too
03/04/2010 01:35:44 AM