A nobleman appears, a man called Ramshalan. This is very suspicious. There's a good chance al'Thor thinks you are in the area and he's sent out spies in every direction to see what he can retrieve. Still, this man on your doorstep makes you nervous. Perhaps you should just kill him. Perhaps not. Better to put him under Compulsion and send him back with disappointing results. The Lady Basene is ever so loyal. From there, he will be in a key position to cause al'Thor huge amounts of damage. It will take complex Compulsion, and no one has a Talent like you do.
You send him on his way. He'll probably take a day or two to return to al'Thor even on a fast horse. Unless he's got those Ash'aman fellows helping the spies around with gateways.
A nice and a little funny view. The one problem is that Rand/LTT atleast thinks that Graendal will use compulsion to extract his conversation with Ramshalan from the guy. That means that rather than assuming that Ramshalan is just a single scout of many dozens, Graendal would know that Rand personally sent Ramshalan to her, and was waiting with an open gateway nearby for him to return. Not to mention all his talk about defeating an opponent craftier than he is which would really alarm Graendal.
That makes the whole thing a little foolish in my view. Rand would have been a lot smarter to send several other people (decoys) to other places at the same time, so Ramshalan (and by extension Graendal) would have known. And also rather than opening a gateway personally, he should have had some underling do it for him to again be less likely to alarm Graendal.
This way, Graendal would have fewer reasons to panic and escape instantly.
So your name is Graendal...
03/02/2010 11:01:23 AM
If Graendal gets a POV in the next book this would be it exactly. *NM*
03/02/2010 01:20:38 PM
Re: So your name is Graendal...
03/02/2010 03:55:03 PM
Re: So your name is Graendal...
04/02/2010 02:53:56 PM