Active Users:434 Time:21/09/2024 05:58:07 AM
I can't understand that at all. Nate Send a noteboard - 29/11/2009 09:47:34 PM
It seemed to build slowly, and I kept wondering to myself every few chapters "so what has happened so far... nothing" (not including the prologue, which was IMO the most interesting part of the book).

It felt to me that much more happened in this book than in the previous two combined -- between the entire Semhirage arc, Aviendha becoming a Wise One, Tuon becoming Empress, Rand reuniting with Tam and almost losing himself to his inner rage and finally breaking free of it, Egwene's conflict with Elaida, the Seanchan attack on the White Tower, Egwene reuniting the Tower and becoming the real Amyrlin, Verin revealing her secret and giving up the names of the Black Ajah, two Forsaken being killed by Rand ... and those are just the major plot highlights. Everything between the major highlights felt more infused with meaning as well.

As the first of three final-book parts, I was very pleased. Though, my opinion may be biased by the fact that there was no Elayne storyline in this book, thank Jiminy. Her arc in CoT and KoD was some of the most mind-numbing, pointless stuff in the entire series.
Warder to starry_nite

Chapterfish — Nate's Writing Blog
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Finally done! - 29/11/2009 05:44:21 PM 808 Views
i found that i couldn't put it down myself - 29/11/2009 05:55:50 PM 580 Views
I couldnt put it down either *NM* - 29/11/2009 07:00:40 PM 196 Views
Re: i found that i couldn't put it down myself - 29/11/2009 07:18:51 PM 467 Views
wrong place, ignore *NM* - 29/11/2009 07:40:49 PM 205 Views
I thought Nyn defending Mat was in character. - 29/11/2009 07:15:19 PM 495 Views
Re: I thought Nyn defending Mat was in character. - 29/11/2009 07:20:57 PM 453 Views
It took me a number of attempts to finish, too. - 29/11/2009 07:41:11 PM 460 Views
wow, did we read the same book? - 29/11/2009 08:26:57 PM 475 Views
I can't understand that at all. - 29/11/2009 09:47:34 PM 513 Views
I feel the same way. - 29/11/2009 11:15:37 PM 444 Views
To say that Elayne's chapters in CoT and KoD were pointless..... - 30/11/2009 04:49:14 AM 446 Views
I definitely agree wrt last two books - 30/11/2009 05:35:33 AM 363 Views
Egwene did this, too. Just like Aes Sedai, though, it's not always in the same manner - 01/12/2009 05:38:17 PM 385 Views

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