Tor rushes these books to press as fast as reasonably possible - mostly due to fan desire. A typical book would be going through the editing process for about twice as long. Keep in mind that the book is also twice to three times longer than a typical book. So a few will slip through.
I could care less about a few typos and other errors - particularly since it means getting the book a few months earlier than we would otherwise.
I could care less about a few typos and other errors - particularly since it means getting the book a few months earlier than we would otherwise.
*every* book in the series has had upwards of a dozen or more spelling and/or grammar mistakes. have they all been rushed out due to "fan desire"? i'm thinking no, the book editing process is just that sloppy nowadays.
*every* book published in the last decade or so has more than a handful of errors, especially the first runs. i've got several paperback copies of WoT books which should not have the number of errors they do, considering they're not the first run of publishing.
"The RIAA has shown a certain disregard for the creative people of the industry in their eagerness to protect the revenues of the record companies." -- Frank Zappa
"That's the trouble with political jokes in this country... they get elected!" -- Dave Lippman
"That's the trouble with political jokes in this country... they get elected!" -- Dave Lippman
The book wasn't proof read very well
29/11/2009 03:17:34 PM
In my copy of LoC, men channel Saidar in stead of Saidin about two out of three times... Annoying. *NM*
29/11/2009 06:11:23 PM
FYI, it's 'proofread', and 'grammar' *NM*
29/11/2009 07:45:00 PM
most noticible for me were..
29/11/2009 08:15:51 PM
Not a mistake. She's used that term before. IIRC, Winter's Heart, just after they arrive in Caemlyn. *NM*
29/11/2009 10:17:22 PM
well, do you want these books as fast as possible?
29/11/2009 08:24:47 PM
i think that's a cop-out honestly
29/11/2009 08:40:11 PM
Yes. The editor in me can't help but notice them. They weren't that numerous so I said nothing. *NM*
30/11/2009 04:40:28 PM