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Re: it used to say "he *will* continue to write until they nail shut his coffin" j-whitt987 Send a noteboard - 29/11/2009 01:50:10 AM
That's what I thought. I looked after I posted and saw that it said that. I can see some people getting pissed about it but I think it would have been a testament to how he felt about his series and his fans if they had included that in this book. What they said just doesn't seem to do him justice. IMHO of course.
Kirk: Spock, you want to know something? Everybody’s human.
Spock: I find that remark…insulting.
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about the author blurb - 28/11/2009 06:07:05 AM 652 Views
Heh. Good one. *NM* - 28/11/2009 11:16:18 AM 153 Views
Re: about the author blurb - 29/11/2009 01:32:16 AM 354 Views
it used to say "he *will* continue to write until they nail shut his coffin" - 29/11/2009 01:37:39 AM 566 Views
Re: it used to say "he *will* continue to write until they nail shut his coffin" - 29/11/2009 01:50:10 AM 283 Views
I was hopeing it would have said the exact same thing. - 29/11/2009 03:55:26 PM 325 Views

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