There might not be a lot to discuss here. I noticed there is nothing new about Moghedien and Balthamel (a.k.a. Halima/Aran'gar) in The Gathering Storm.
Any speculation on what Moridin has Moghedien doing for him?
Any idea where Halima/Aran'gar fled to? My guess is she would want to try to reestablish an area of strength, but where could she go?
With Semirhage gone, nobody is guiding Fortuona, may she live forever, and I do not see the Forsaken leaving someone with the power that Fortuona has alone for very long. My guess is that someone among the Forsaken will attempt to control Fortuona in the near future.
By the way, is General Galgan actually Demandred?
Any speculation on what Moridin has Moghedien doing for him?
Any idea where Halima/Aran'gar fled to? My guess is she would want to try to reestablish an area of strength, but where could she go?
With Semirhage gone, nobody is guiding Fortuona, may she live forever, and I do not see the Forsaken leaving someone with the power that Fortuona has alone for very long. My guess is that someone among the Forsaken will attempt to control Fortuona in the near future.
By the way, is General Galgan actually Demandred?
I agree with Etzel, Demandred is Roderan and has been sowing chaos in the form of Dragonsworn for a while.
Aran'gar ... I think she and Delana headed off to cement the alliance with Graendal. In fact I think it's possible that Delana may actually be dead now via the balefiring ... bear with me:
Aran'gar heads to Graendal after fleeing the rebels, with Delana in tow. Rand shows up in AD on the heels of this. Graendal's spies would have made it simple enough for her to realized the when and were of Rand's behavior and she is very smart thus when Rand's "FOP" Rhamshalan appears at her door she would have bailed with Aran'gar after ordering Delana to slap a compulsion on the dude and send him back on his way.
The big clue here IMO is that none of her compulsions Nynaeve fixes are inverted. Why would a woman as brilliant at Graendal send a covert agent behind enemy lines with a visible compulsion weave on his brain? Then send an obviously compelled individual back to Rand without at least trying to cover her tracks? I think she's playing some deeper game and wants Rand to think she's dead... why kill her in such a way that the reader doesn't see it?
AND (IMO) she's been set up as too potent of an enemy brush aside in such a lame way!!
Domani Drag Queen in the White Tower ... Aran'gar watch out!
Moghedien and Balthamel
24/11/2009 06:22:19 PM
Yes, he is
24/11/2009 07:11:13 PM
Galgan cannot be Demandred as Galgan appeared in KoD
24/11/2009 08:26:34 PM
Has Demandred's alter-ego been seen in tGS? *NM*
24/11/2009 08:43:47 PM
Brandon isn't saying
24/11/2009 08:46:36 PM
That leaves very few people...Roedran seems more and more likely *NM*
28/11/2009 02:07:39 AM
If you're going to say "May...forever" know that saying the name is even worse than ommitting that. *NM*
24/11/2009 07:55:33 PM
Suffa is trying to be a good damane. Please don't punish Suffa for her mistake!!!!! LOL *NM*
24/11/2009 08:23:55 PM
Suffa should not draw the attention of her betters, then. She should speak only when spoken to!! *NM*
25/11/2009 05:53:27 AM
my thoughts
24/11/2009 08:50:20 PM
25/11/2009 12:56:32 AM
Re: Moghedien and Balthamel
25/11/2009 08:16:02 PM