Active Users:715 Time:11/03/2025 05:20:12 AM
Yes, I've often pondered on the body size and One Power strength link... Shannow Send a noteboard - 23/11/2009 05:51:07 PM
From the observation that many channelers, like Rand & LTT, but also Demandred or Rahvin, are similarly very tall. It also seems that Lanfear is the only Forsaken, who got a much smaller body than her previous one (e.g. Ishy even got a bigger one). If e.g. Lanfear's soul can't completely unfold her whole OP potential in Cyndane's small body, this might explain her strength drop. It makes also sense that this relation between soul and body concerning the OP strength might be a detail, which was somewhat hidden in RJ's notes.

At least this is the only main remaining theory on Cyndane's weakened strength, IIRC.

But people like Sammael seem to contradict it. Maybe body MASS is the important thing here.

Still, Dashiva isn't particularly tall, and neither is Halima.

So somewhere we're missing something.
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Some interesting new RAFOs and information from BS - 23/11/2009 12:13:37 PM 2865 Views
Thanks! I hadn't made the connection between Rand's paranoya and the dagger wound. *NM* - 23/11/2009 12:50:42 PM 960 Views
Yes, and apparently... - 23/11/2009 02:35:12 PM 1156 Views
I tried to suggest that Elaida had been corrupted by Fain and I was practically ridiculed - 23/11/2009 06:29:48 PM 1225 Views
me too - 23/11/2009 06:33:23 PM 1172 Views
Re: me too - 23/11/2009 06:43:40 PM 1082 Views
Yeah, I remember that! *NM* - 23/11/2009 06:33:38 PM 556 Views
Very interesting read, thanks Tam! *NM* - 23/11/2009 01:17:06 PM 710 Views
Very interesting, but they wasted a lot of time on questions they knew would be RAFO. - 23/11/2009 02:17:47 PM 1272 Views
I think, though... - 23/11/2009 02:33:29 PM 1227 Views
He seems to indicate that RAFO doesn't necessarily mean we'll ever get an answer, though. - 23/11/2009 03:43:26 PM 1229 Views
Yeah, at least concerning... - 23/11/2009 03:56:02 PM 1088 Views
Nice answers on Cyndane - 23/11/2009 04:06:20 PM 1401 Views
Maybe... - 23/11/2009 04:27:44 PM 1144 Views
Less capable body...interesting. - 23/11/2009 05:11:16 PM 1249 Views
This idea originated... - 23/11/2009 05:43:21 PM 1138 Views
Yes, I've often pondered on the body size and One Power strength link... - 23/11/2009 05:51:07 PM 1053 Views
The rule is certainly... - 23/11/2009 06:01:41 PM 1324 Views
I like that idea...and I've explored it before... - 23/11/2009 06:07:29 PM 1113 Views
It could in any case... - 23/11/2009 06:15:28 PM 964 Views
I don't really agree on the body size thing - 23/11/2009 06:20:22 PM 1113 Views
Re: Yes, I've often pondered on the body size and One Power strength link... - 23/11/2009 06:08:04 PM 1188 Views
I think that... - 23/11/2009 06:14:29 PM 1083 Views
Re: I think that... - 23/11/2009 07:35:34 PM 1073 Views
I think it's a combination of the two - 23/11/2009 09:02:06 PM 1123 Views
the details of the DO and Creator have never interested me much - 23/11/2009 04:06:20 PM 1164 Views
Agreed... - 23/11/2009 04:29:13 PM 1234 Views
I like the Padan Fain questions. Also, Lanfear / Cyndane discussion was exciting. - 23/11/2009 05:12:14 PM 1956 Views
Lanfear/Cyndane angreal - 23/11/2009 05:17:35 PM 1602 Views
Re: Lanfear/Cyndane angreal - 23/11/2009 06:02:15 PM 1545 Views
that really wouldn't work - 23/11/2009 06:05:43 PM 1006 Views
The Lanfear/Cyndane stuff is at least good - a few theories killed here - 23/11/2009 05:20:47 PM 1373 Views
I'm convinced Moiraine's going to enjoy a Gandalf effect with her strength... - 23/11/2009 05:49:07 PM 1434 Views
I'm also entertaining that idea - 23/11/2009 06:23:30 PM 1135 Views
Hmm, but how? - 23/11/2009 06:26:00 PM 1123 Views
The angreal being used while they fell through the doorway... - 23/11/2009 06:33:32 PM 965 Views
Yeah, "maybe"... - 23/11/2009 06:49:45 PM 965 Views
I have no idea - 23/11/2009 06:33:34 PM 946 Views
I think... - 23/11/2009 06:51:41 PM 1090 Views
I'm not going to argue the theory, but, Moiraine won't give a crap about deference after her ordeal. *NM* - 23/11/2009 09:13:30 PM 562 Views
I agree to some extent - 23/11/2009 10:23:03 PM 944 Views
Says who? - 24/11/2009 07:02:30 AM 905 Views
Re: I'm also entertaining that idea - 30/11/2009 12:06:52 AM 973 Views
That makes one wonder... - 23/11/2009 11:57:55 PM 1018 Views
Here's Cyndane's description from encyclopaedia wot: - 24/11/2009 06:15:31 AM 991 Views
Ah well. - 24/11/2009 09:39:20 AM 942 Views
Indeed... - 23/11/2009 06:06:23 PM 1014 Views
It's a huge puzzle - 23/11/2009 06:30:03 PM 1017 Views
Re: It's a huge puzzle - 23/11/2009 06:33:57 PM 1041 Views
Can the Finn still channelers, though? - 23/11/2009 07:13:06 PM 897 Views
Re: It's a huge puzzle - 18/01/2010 12:16:38 AM 945 Views
The Likelihood, if she had been stilled - 23/11/2009 06:12:55 PM 1216 Views
But... - 23/11/2009 06:22:43 PM 890 Views
Re: But... - 23/11/2009 06:33:41 PM 1220 Views
Ok, the difference between stilling and burning out could be his loophole - 23/11/2009 06:42:39 PM 1037 Views
Re: Ok, the difference between stilling and burning out could be his loophole - 23/11/2009 06:50:05 PM 1049 Views
But if we assume... - 23/11/2009 07:06:32 PM 965 Views
Re: But if we assume... - 23/11/2009 08:13:09 PM 999 Views
Possible, I guess... - 23/11/2009 08:38:59 PM 973 Views
Re: But... - 18/01/2010 12:19:47 AM 1218 Views
and make the others get up their reports - 23/11/2009 06:23:40 PM 896 Views
Not necessarily... - 23/11/2009 06:48:51 PM 925 Views
read the discussons above - lots of speculation abou that - 23/11/2009 06:51:57 PM 878 Views
What if Lanfear's mind was transmigrated, but not her soul? - 23/11/2009 08:30:40 PM 1034 Views
It seems that Lanfear may have been excluded as a candidate for killing Asmodean - 23/11/2009 08:02:48 PM 1195 Views
The Finns Killed Asmodean? - 23/11/2009 08:39:08 PM 1783 Views
But... - 23/11/2009 08:52:55 PM 989 Views
And some other counter-arguments - 23/11/2009 09:12:18 PM 1045 Views
Re: And some other counter-arguments - 24/11/2009 03:22:36 AM 1007 Views
It's a fun thought... - 24/11/2009 12:12:58 PM 999 Views
Hmm... - 23/11/2009 08:50:41 PM 1128 Views
This may also explain how the Finns hung Mat from the Tree of Life - 23/11/2009 08:04:32 PM 1025 Views
Stupid Question: What does MAFO mean? - 24/11/2009 01:41:00 AM 4323 Views
Maria And Find Out - 24/11/2009 03:03:48 AM 2350 Views
Mordeth - 26/11/2009 03:47:00 AM 934 Views

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