Active Users:394 Time:05/10/2024 02:44:11 AM
Thank you Rand ... Curie Send a noteboard - 04/11/2009 02:51:10 PM
Thank you Rand for your nice reaction to my post. It is not that I agree with you, but I enjoy your style of discussion. Nevertheless, I have some remarks to your arguments:

1)Min's farseeing of Aviendha healthy, but something odd babies
“Who knows? Too many possibilities. Your theory doesn't address this, though. It specifically says something is odd about the babies, not the mother.” My theory gives some explanation of this prophesy instead admit inefficacy. If conception of the babies will happen after melting, Aviendha will be their mother only in 33%, what is very strange, not only for Avi, but for children as well. In my long life I never come across such babies.

2)Aviendha think that Elayne & Birgitte will make each other melt, one day. ”An obvious play on the emotional resonance between them. Not necessarily foreshadowing, and if so completely inappropriate to jump from a Birgitte-and-Elayne-melt-each-other to Rand's three girls physically fusing together”. In my opinion RJ pointed at the possibility of melting. He did not want to be obvious, and betray what he intends to write in final scene of WoT.

3)Min's presentation of the prophetic phrase:<He [Dragon Reborn] shall hold a blade of light in his hands, and the three shall be one>.“Far more easily interpreted as the three in the circle controlling the flows through Callandor”. Where and when? For sure not in the neighborhood of SG! Channeling near liar of the Dark One is prohibited. Rand in circle with two women, even using Callandor, could not win with the Lord of the Dark. His only chance I see now, is to go stealthy to cave beneath the mountain and unravel webs maintaining the bore.

4)Rand's statement <If I live again, then she [Iliena] might as well>. ”Emotional revelation. More likely to be talking about a reincarnation of Ilyena (in a future life for LTT even) than three others fusing together to become her.” Dragon Reborn on the top of Dragonmount started going back to sanity because of hope of LTT/Rand to have a second chance on love. It was a pivotal scene for him and for the whole story. From now, he once more will want to live and save the Pattern. And he is not a Rand al’Thor any more. He is a real Dragon with livid memory of ancient leader of humanity, and with goodness of shepherd. Do you think, that current Elayne has enough wisdom and character to be a partner to such person? I think, that she could be a good wife for Rand, but not for the Lord Dragon.

5)This is one more argument for the melting of three wenches. I can not imagine death of Min and Aviendha. Robert Jordan, IMO and opinion of the many other WoT fans, decided to save all main Good Boys and Girls from perils of the Last Battle. If this is truth, what can happen to abandoned girls, if Rand will marry Elayne? What do you expect? Rand sending crying Min to Tear as a permanent resident, and making Aviendha to be lady in waiting in a bathroom of the Caemlin Palace?

6)“I appreciate you taking the time to put a theory together, but I just don't think it's plausible. Why go to all the trouble to deal with the 'moral' issue when that's so clearly not a problem elsewhere in the series? People sleep around regularly and without any second thought. See Tylin and Mat... Lan and his many women before Nynaeve... Aes Sedai 'pillowfriends'... Berelain (even when unconsummated)... you get the idea.”

Robert Jordan was a very moral person. Whole WoT is about morality. Polygamy or polyandry for me are not an important moral issue, but, as I heard, for him they were. He spoke about polygamy publicly, probably feeling some guilt, because of his personal experience, and moral dilemma how to be honest in one time with different lovers. I do not know what he really thought, and I do not want to discuss his personal matters further on.

My attitude towards polygamy is not moral, but “practical.” I believe, that in many countries is very natural, social resistance against polygamy. We change sexual partners according to our sex appeal, concentration of hormones, size of purse etc, but in western culture we do not support harems, even if in some countries we tolerate brothels. Harems and polygamy are in tradition of Middle East societies, mainly Arabic. Third Era Aiels are partially modeled on Arabs. Polygamy was reasonable custom in tribes with high rate of mortality of young men, permanently engaged in intertribal clashes and family feuds. But in modern society it is a waste of “human resources”, as everybody can see observing growth of standard of living (in last millennium), in Muslim countries, and in countries fulfilling monogamy. Affirmation of polygamy create environment to sexual slavery and depriving half of the population from education and creative work.

Robert Jordan, apart of his moral standards and opinions, was very sensitive to organization of different civilizations, their workings, development and decline. His Aiels, following WoL, in AoL time were monogamic, and, as the war oriented tribes, in current time, in the ThreeFoldLand, bigamic. In coming Fourth Era, majority of them will adopt peaceful life style, and, I believe, abandon bigamy. Perhaps only remnants of remnants will live in Wastelands as savage tribes. They will maintain bigamy, but Lord Dragon will not live with them. Galina will.

This message last edited by Curie on 04/11/2009 at 06:11:44 PM
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tGS - the three shall be one - 02/11/2009 11:52:12 PM 3495 Views
Callandor + Rand + Avihenda + Elayne = Safe usage of Callandor. *NM* - 03/11/2009 01:11:26 AM 772 Views
Not in this place - 03/11/2009 11:33:44 PM 815 Views
Min is irrelavent to the passage. - 05/11/2009 01:03:33 AM 792 Views
Re: Min always matters... - 05/11/2009 09:41:06 AM 897 Views
*** *NM* - 08/12/2009 03:01:52 PM 353 Views
This is the new most insane theory I've ever read *NM* - 03/11/2009 01:30:43 AM 435 Views
Re: This is the new most insane theory I've ever read - 03/11/2009 04:06:03 PM 833 Views
Re: This is the new most insane theory I've ever read - 04/11/2009 12:21:10 AM 1225 Views
Thank you Rand ... - 04/11/2009 02:51:10 PM 1431 Views
sorry, this post (not post above!) should be deleted *NM* - 04/11/2009 04:13:32 PM 367 Views
I do not know how to delete my own post *NM* - 05/11/2009 09:46:34 AM 392 Views
I think only admins can delete posts. *NM* - 08/12/2009 03:26:47 PM 357 Views
Re: Thank you Rand ... - 10/11/2009 10:18:57 PM 684 Views
this makes sense - 14/11/2009 07:42:13 AM 795 Views
There are a couple of flaws in your theory - 03/11/2009 01:47:39 AM 859 Views
monogomy, actually - 03/11/2009 02:01:16 AM 800 Views
I first read this as Rand, LTT and Moridin merging into one. - 03/11/2009 02:16:48 AM 778 Views
that's actually plausible *NM* - 03/11/2009 02:27:20 AM 369 Views
It might also mean... - 03/11/2009 03:49:10 AM 804 Views
The three ta'veren is more plausible *NM* - 03/11/2009 08:05:37 AM 339 Views
I agree, although I don't think they'll physicall merge *NM* - 03/11/2009 09:30:43 PM 346 Views
Re: I first read this as Rand, LTT and Moridin merging into one. - 03/11/2009 01:34:17 PM 725 Views
Everything might happen... - 04/11/2009 04:29:16 PM 823 Views
NM *NM* - 05/11/2009 06:29:42 PM 344 Views
... - 07/11/2009 12:28:33 PM 585 Views
What about the three ta'veren? *NM* - 07/11/2009 08:43:58 PM 341 Views
Re: What about the three ta'veren? - 08/11/2009 03:20:53 PM 912 Views
All true posibilities... - 10/11/2009 09:40:30 AM 605 Views
Re: All true posibilities... - 11/11/2009 06:14:54 PM 821 Views
Thought this for awhile - 09/11/2009 01:18:22 AM 809 Views
Its nirvana, not nirvani! - 09/11/2009 01:26:30 AM 814 Views
You forgot Bela and Narg. *NM* - 18/11/2009 11:04:30 PM 439 Views
Really? Wenches? *NM* - 29/11/2009 07:12:07 AM 367 Views

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