Active Users:1221 Time:23/11/2024 04:38:07 AM
Nice find! I knew Myrddraal could detect some channeling, but I didn't know if they could Matrimony Cauthon Send a noteboard - 03/11/2009 05:03:05 PM
I didn't know if they could differentiate between the flows.

Elza had an older weave in her brain and SH still detected it. That is pretty impressive.

Can SH see weaves of saidar?

From ACoS, chapter 40:

The Myrddraal moved from the deeper shadows, becoming visible. In its eyes, the gateways had left a residue—three patches of glowing mist. It could not tell one flow from another, but it could distinguish saidin from saidar by the smell. Saidin smelled like the sharp edge of a knife, the point of a thorn. Saidar smelled soft, but like something that would grow harder the harder it was pressed. No other Myrddraal could smell that difference. Shaidar Haran was like no other Myrddraal.

So, he can see residues of weaves, which implies that he can also see active weaves to an extent. (Can't distinguish separate flows, though.) However, it would be easy to surmise a weave placed on the brain would be some sort of Compulsion.

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Elza - 02/11/2009 03:20:23 PM 1014 Views
Re: Elza - 02/11/2009 03:34:22 PM 700 Views
Re: Elza - 02/11/2009 03:44:55 PM 799 Views
Are you trying to say that two people compelled her? - 02/11/2009 04:05:43 PM 616 Views
Re: Are you trying to say that two people compelled her? - 02/11/2009 04:13:40 PM 661 Views
What interests me most about this situation is How did SH know that Elza had compulsion? - 03/11/2009 08:34:07 AM 474 Views
Here's what we do know about SH in that regard - 03/11/2009 10:57:15 AM 602 Views
Nice find! I knew Myrddraal could detect some channeling, but I didn't know if they could - 03/11/2009 05:03:05 PM 499 Views
It was Verin who Compelled her, and either the Wards failed or Shaidar Haran nullified them. - 03/11/2009 12:15:43 PM 658 Views
Can SH nullify weaves that are tied off though? - 03/11/2009 05:05:48 PM 535 Views
It was Moridin - 03/11/2009 05:24:46 PM 542 Views

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