Doh! Your right. It is hard to know what SH abilities are. I doubt he would risk doing something like that in person, though. I don't think that Sorilea would have unravelled the wards but she might have seen what Cadsuane done and showed demonstrated the weaves to someone else. I have a hard time swallowing Sorilea as DF because of her offering water oath to Cadsuane.
On the other hand Cadsuane was lured away from semirhage because she met with the WOs during that time. It is possible that this is a coincidence or that SH waited until everyone was gone. Semirhage's PoV, though, suggests that this happened very soon after she was broken. While SH mentioned about Semirhage being broken as well.
On the other hand Cadsuane was lured away from semirhage because she met with the WOs during that time. It is possible that this is a coincidence or that SH waited until everyone was gone. Semirhage's PoV, though, suggests that this happened very soon after she was broken. While SH mentioned about Semirhage being broken as well.
I doubt that any of the Wise Ones has the aptitude to unravel a warding, especially an inverted one that Cadsuane herself wove with her highest skill. Even simple wards can take days to unravel.
We know that the True Power was used because they couldn't detect saidin or saidar on the dead Aes Sedai. Either Moridin unravelled the ward, or Shadar Haran did. I personally think it was him. He might have the ability to unravel anything as soon as he steps into the room, but we know he can do remarkable things with the True Power.
Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
Fan of Lanfear
A mixture of thoughts about tGS
01/11/2009 02:55:27 AM
Re: A mixture of thoughts about tGS
01/11/2009 04:13:28 AM
Besides, Sorilea is fairly weak in the OP. Would she be able to undo the wards?
01/11/2009 06:58:31 AM
doh, you're right about Bair, etc..
01/11/2009 08:55:32 PM
It was Shadar Haran or Moridin
02/11/2009 04:16:47 AM
Surprising myself, I missed Elayne. And even more surprising, I actually liked Mat this time.
01/11/2009 05:15:20 AM
Re: #2, #5, #6, #10, #14, and a good answer about Verin's letter to Mat (#12)
25/02/2010 11:32:53 PM