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Sidious: proving as Jason did, that running a WoT site makes you crap as a reader Cannoli Send a noteboard - 30/10/2009 07:09:46 PM
1. Knowing how to handle Elaida. Initially she was meek and allowed Elaida to fully spread her tyrannical wings. She picked the exact right moment to engage her, and what a debate it was, even while being tortured with the Power. It was a spectacular scene, using her intellect to gain the individual support of the Sitters present in the room.
Dumping food because she can't keep her temper?! All she did in the second encounter was go passive-agressive and bait a psycho into digging her own grave. Note that she still failed to achieve anything. If not for the Seanchan attack, Elaida would still be on the Amyrlin Seat and Egwene still an imprisoned novice, if not a corpse. No matter what kind of an impression she made, all Elaida would have to do is brandish the Tower law, and down she goes.

2. Handling the Sitters. She showed several times that she could win over the Sitters using simple methods i.e. knowledge with the Browns, logic with the Whites etc. She never backed down even though some called her girl, or tried to throw her out. In the end she managed a unanimous vote, which is very rare.
Only because of the circumstances. And it was not rare, since ALL votes have to be unanimous, she just had the Ajah heads ramming her through because they didn't want anyone who was actually of an Ajah.

3. Destroying the Black Ajah. Yes, Verin gave her the list, but she pushed for execution. It was a brilliant move that required her to make the true nasty decisions needed by a leader. The Sitters wanted interrogation or stilling, but for once someone knew the folly of trying to hold an evil channeler. She even recalls her mistakes with Moghedien. And that was the quick demise of 50 Sisters, with a Tower that was suddenly a lot less Black.
So she did not go along with an actively stupid and immoral idea. Big F***ing deal! Execution is the known and prescribed punishment for being a Darkfriend for over three thousand years! And she had Verin's magnum opus so she did not need to interrogate them. You don't get credit for refusing a temptation that is not actually tempting.

4. Berating both sides of the Tower for their disgusting behaviour. Hypocritical yes, but then she was an Accepted in the Waste when they started this nonsense and was forced into the position. Making both sides humble was essential in not allowing a side to think that they were superior in some way. The Hall for their disgraceful conduct, the rebels for the Rebellion.

5. Taking a Red as her Keeper. One of the most brilliant tactics she could have used. I always hoped we'd see more of Silviana, and I'm eager to see how they work together.
That is the most glaringly obvious tactic imaginable. Hell, I said years ago that she should pick a Red after the Tower is reuinted! Any American would have known this right off the bat, after having seen a single presidential election. This is how you deal with your most reluctant faction - you toss them a bone.

6. The destruction of the Seanchan. Using her sa'angreal, Egwene single-handedly faced an army of men and damane and destroyed them all. She literally saved the Tower with this move. It was also good to see her release her demons against the Seanchan - she's been bottling that up for ten books. She saved so many Aes Sedai, and killed dozens of damane and to'raken. Amazingly she was the first Aes Sedai to think of using angreal or sa'angreal to fight these people. Considering damane cannot link, Aes Sedai definitely should, or use angreal - it makes shielding impossible.
In the first place, the phrase "using a sa'angreal" transforms defeating an army from a heroic feat to an expected action. She should have done no less, and she did NOT single-handedly defeat anyone. Stop commenting on battles, because you always end up looking stupid. Everyone fought, Saerin actually showed leadership, rather than simply using people as batteries, and in order to singlehandedly defeat someone, you have to actually WIN. Which she did not. She did NOT destroy them all, as she herself states, noting that despite her efforts, more escaped than were destroyed. They left because they never intended to stay. You say "amazingly" regarding the obvious move of using angreal to prevent any damane from matching, but the idiots who never thought of it in the first place are the useless lumps whose part Egwene will be taking against the world, and planning to punish Rand for his remote, indirect association with things not going perfectly for Aes Sedai.

7. Romanda and Lelaine in her hands... well done, and no easy feat!
Yes it is. They're idiots. Lelaine set herself up, and it was Egwene's timely return that forced her to support Egwene. A timely return for which she's been behaving horribly towards Siuan.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Egwene... one of the best characters in the series - 30/10/2009 07:45:11 AM 1366 Views
I so agree with you!! - 30/10/2009 08:24:53 AM 641 Views
Re: I so agree with you!! - 31/10/2009 05:28:38 AM 555 Views
I hope I am wrong but - 30/10/2009 08:52:37 AM 780 Views
Re: I hope I am wrong but - 30/10/2009 09:05:29 AM 656 Views
Re: I hope I am wrong but - 30/10/2009 11:38:54 AM 611 Views
Re: Egwene... one of the best characters in the series - AMEN!!!!!!! *NM* - 30/10/2009 01:34:55 PM 310 Views
Agreed *NM* - 31/10/2009 05:29:09 AM 271 Views
Agreed! Screw you Conalli... whatever your name is *NM* - 30/10/2009 04:05:39 PM 333 Views
She's coming off a bit Mary Sue-like, IMO - 30/10/2009 06:48:59 PM 824 Views
Agreed. *NM* - 31/10/2009 06:01:32 PM 276 Views
Sidious: proving as Jason did, that running a WoT site makes you crap as a reader - 30/10/2009 07:09:46 PM 702 Views
pompous - 31/10/2009 05:48:13 AM 564 Views
It sorta reminded me.. - 31/10/2009 06:02:22 AM 604 Views
Only two words - Mother Goddess ! - 31/10/2009 09:18:18 AM 561 Views
Well, only recently... - 31/10/2009 11:19:15 AM 664 Views
It was all very impressive, yes. Unfortunately, it was *too* impressive and that makes it hollow. - 31/10/2009 06:16:03 PM 593 Views
Its been heading there, no? - 31/10/2009 10:47:13 PM 573 Views
It has, yes, but that doesn't make it realistic. - 01/11/2009 11:16:19 AM 911 Views
Re: It has, yes, but that doesn't make it realistic. - 05/11/2009 02:01:28 AM 625 Views
Re: It has, yes, but that doesn't make it realistic. - 05/11/2009 02:09:26 PM 651 Views
I agree with most of your post but I have a nitpick - 06/11/2009 02:08:31 AM 526 Views
Re: It has, yes, but that doesn't make it realistic. - 06/11/2009 05:57:12 AM 690 Views

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