Cadsuane's comment (if true) attacks the credibility of your One Power Strength list
Elder Haman Send a noteboard - 30/10/2009 05:26:16 PM
Can any extrapolations be made from this book?
1. One Sister can hold Semirhage. Cadsuane assumes that one can hold anybody, but she adds two to make sure, in case Semirhage had a secret way of breaking shields.
Does anyone else have something to add to this topic?
As a matter of fact, I do have something to add. In your one power strength list you talked a lot about how many sisters it would take to shield or hold the shield on someone. I think everyone admits that the Ebou Dari girl (I forget her name) had a Talent for shielding.
I'm assuming this book has to have an effect on your one power list. For example, Rand was able to break through 3 sisters holding him at the end of LoC. But Semi can't even break through just one. That says a lot in my opinion.
What do you think about the following line of thinking: Can't a good argument be made that Semirhage is actually weaker than Mesaana and possibly even Nynaeve? By the way, I agree with you that Nynaeve is more powerful than Moghedien, at least now she is anyway. Umm...I think a good argument can be made that Semirhage had superior weaving skill compared to all of the other Forsaken women. The evidence of course is that only Demandred and Semi could stop a gateway from closing and of course Semi could heal better than anyone ever living or dead.
Semi's being weaker, in terms of one power quantity, fits with the obvious statement that only one person is needed to hold her.
It might be time to rethink your one power list and especially the portion you use for some of the justifications (e.g. how many sisters it would take to shield someone). It appears Semi could be held pretty easily compared to Rand. I think you have Rand at 100 and Lanfear at 85. You have to drop Semi down quite a bit, or else you have to alter your ideas about holding someone once they are shielded. They both cannot be right. The easiest would be to drop Semi down in one power strength, probably between Mesaana and Moghedien somewhere, but then say that Semi's dexterity/skill are what made her so powerful, not so much her actual strength in the power (although strength obviously plays a big part, just not as big as we thought in Semi's case).
What do you think? I know I've asked a lot of questions and thrown out a lot of ideas.
Female Forsaken strength in the Power
30/10/2009 03:45:18 PM
Cadsuane's comment (if true) attacks the credibility of your One Power Strength list
30/10/2009 05:26:16 PM
Re: Cadsuane's comment (if true) attacks the credibility of your One Power Strength list
31/10/2009 05:42:53 AM
It is easier for channelers of the same gender to hold each other.
05/11/2009 05:25:30 PM