1. Verin reveals she is Black Ajah- this one also made me shed a tear
2. Semirhage places the a'dam on Rand-- I kept thinking, 'Oh Great, another Forsaken escaped and we are going to have another 2 books before we see resolution with Semirhage.' Boy was I wrong! We got immediate resolution, and I was totally shocked!
3. Egwene battles the Seanchan with only novices--- great scene
4. Rand attacks Tam-- Rand's descent into madness had fallen so far that he finally has the catalyst he needs to realize the reason he is really fighting the Last Battle. Beautiful.
5. Aviendha realizes why she is being punished. I don't know how many people actually liked this scene. But it made me emotional, and I think it gave us tremendous insight into the Aiel People and another way for the future Aes Sedai to order their hierarchy of power. Interestingly, Sevanna exploited this system.
Honorable mentions:
1. The Great Purge: I loved how Egwene resolved this scene. I don't think she could have done much better. With over 200 blacks, many of them were bound to escape.
2. Rand balefires Graendal: I loved the way Sanderson wrote this scene and left us wondering how Rand was going to deal with this situation.
3. Elaida's justice-- a short and fitting end to Elaida (although one that we probably all predicted)
4. Egwene visits all the Ajahs-- I liked how 3 different Ajahs told Egwene that she would make an excellent member of their Ajah.
5. Gawyn pawns a blademaster and change. This was the main Gawyn scene I liked-- mainly for the blademaster (Steele?) telling Gawyn he was worthy of being his Warder-brother and telling him he could bond his sister.
2. Semirhage places the a'dam on Rand-- I kept thinking, 'Oh Great, another Forsaken escaped and we are going to have another 2 books before we see resolution with Semirhage.' Boy was I wrong! We got immediate resolution, and I was totally shocked!
3. Egwene battles the Seanchan with only novices--- great scene
4. Rand attacks Tam-- Rand's descent into madness had fallen so far that he finally has the catalyst he needs to realize the reason he is really fighting the Last Battle. Beautiful.
5. Aviendha realizes why she is being punished. I don't know how many people actually liked this scene. But it made me emotional, and I think it gave us tremendous insight into the Aiel People and another way for the future Aes Sedai to order their hierarchy of power. Interestingly, Sevanna exploited this system.
Honorable mentions:
1. The Great Purge: I loved how Egwene resolved this scene. I don't think she could have done much better. With over 200 blacks, many of them were bound to escape.
2. Rand balefires Graendal: I loved the way Sanderson wrote this scene and left us wondering how Rand was going to deal with this situation.
3. Elaida's justice-- a short and fitting end to Elaida (although one that we probably all predicted)
4. Egwene visits all the Ajahs-- I liked how 3 different Ajahs told Egwene that she would make an excellent member of their Ajah.
5. Gawyn pawns a blademaster and change. This was the main Gawyn scene I liked-- mainly for the blademaster (Steele?) telling Gawyn he was worthy of being his Warder-brother and telling him he could bond his sister.
What were your five favorite scenes from TGS?
1. A Visit From Verin Sedai - first time a book has made me shed tears
2. Semirhage collars Rand - I actually had to put the book down I was so shaken
3. Cadsuane spanks Semirhage - so histerical
4. Egwene confronts Elaida
5. Egwene battles the Seanchan
Favorite Line - In A Force of Light, after attacking Graendal Rand asks how you fight someone that is smarter than you. He answers: You make her think that you are sitting down across the table from her, ready to play her game. Then you punch her in the face as hard as you can. -- I dunno, for some reason this just made me laugh and laugh.
Also liked the lines about Rand's stump and the Cadusane proceeded to spank the forsaken line
1. A Visit From Verin Sedai - first time a book has made me shed tears
2. Semirhage collars Rand - I actually had to put the book down I was so shaken
3. Cadsuane spanks Semirhage - so histerical
4. Egwene confronts Elaida
5. Egwene battles the Seanchan
Favorite Line - In A Force of Light, after attacking Graendal Rand asks how you fight someone that is smarter than you. He answers: You make her think that you are sitting down across the table from her, ready to play her game. Then you punch her in the face as hard as you can. -- I dunno, for some reason this just made me laugh and laugh.
Also liked the lines about Rand's stump and the Cadusane proceeded to spank the forsaken line
Top Five Scenes
29/10/2009 03:38:34 PM