You got the first half dead on. Being a dreamer/dreamwalker means that you can enter T'A'R at will without a ter'angreal or channeling. You also can enter T'A'R if you are a channeler, but only by channeling a weave similar to the Traveling weave. Rand does this upon occaison, at which point he is there in the flesh.
It seems that channelers can, and do use both methods depending on what they're after, or how they feel. Both Moghedien and Aran'gar have been seen to enter using sleep.
However being a Dreamer is the same as being a dreamwalker. It is two names for the same thing, tho dreamwalker usually refers to actions in T'A'R and dreamer usually refers to having and interpreting prophetic dreams. But a dreamer dreamwalks, and a dreamwalker has prophetic dreams
They're not the same at all. A dreamwalker is someone who can enter TAR and manipulate it. A dreamer is someone who has prophetic dreams - and is a very rare Talent. All of the Forsaken are dreamwalkers as far as we know, to some degree, but none of them are Dreamers.
Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
Fan of Lanfear
about TAR
04/10/2009 11:45:57 PM
Only a few can enter it willingly, on purpose
05/10/2009 12:07:12 AM
Close but not quite
05/10/2009 01:17:07 AM
Uh.. not exactly IMO
05/10/2009 04:56:15 AM