I think this could be a problem of numbers. If you keep using percentages, you will run into issues because that doesn't seem to be how actual strength works per se. If you think of Lanfear, at the apex of the female strength rankings as having access to 100,000 saidar, while Elaida would only have access to 10,000 saidar, I think it is easier to appreciate the gulf between them, but if you look at their rankings and try to derive their actual strength from their relative positions on a chart dedicated to the rough positions of Aes Sedai, you could get thrown off from the fact that Lanfear is on that list at all. I don't think percentages are safe to use to try and find actual numbers when we are missing so much information.
We are basically shoe-horning outliers onto an imprecise scale, and then getting thrown off because those outliers don't reflect a smooth progression.
To add to the confusion, we already know that these rankings are imprecise, with rankings within rankings, and additional levels added when new characters are/were introduced. We've been told that two Sisters who were considered evenly matched weren't quite equal, but the differences could be so miniscule that they still fall in the same rank, while a channeler in the high end of a lower rank could be clearly weaker, yet the outcome of a challenge between the two would be uncertain due to other characteristics.