well I would say egwene was still young more then anything, she was still learning her way to quote a few of the aiel, that said wot is about achieving zen... theperfect analysis of your past to heal you future, although it could be argued perhaps all of this is Rand althors aka lews therins dream, that perhaps he survivedthe last battle of his world but decimated everything and now he dreams trying tofigure out what went wrong and what was right, and which side he was on, more so how to fix it all.. that maybe he already lost/won the battle and the battle was not worth fighting.. wouldthat not be the ultimate screwed up endingto the books, anyways I have a feeling he may not even have survived, and simply actually is in telerenriod, perhaps that is the truth, that his view in the last few pages was simplyhis dream, that perhaps he is so strongly imbued in his existence he doesn't fully want to accept he haddied? yet he also has let go of it... dun dun dun... oh anywyas just a theory, maybe he just imprinted some of his personality on ishamael, an that's actually ishaemale that goes with the three girls, perhaps, or hes just about to go on a lifetime adventure across the oceans through te isles and beyond