I'm glad I didn't cut myself on that edge.
You're not even a cunt, so I won't call you that. Cunts are fertile. You inseminate yourself with an absurd quantity of literature, yet you spit nothing back out of worth or substance. What you are is an Asshole. Assholes can only let the cum seep back out, stale, leaving their mark with only a few perfunctory ribbons of shit weaved in.
While it may be true that what I excrete might fertilize the minds of a few students, there is not quite the frothiness generated due to my actions as those that seem to be present when you ooze your way through others' discussions and out into the open, presenting a vileness that smells worse than cum or shit alone. It is a big difference for some, perhaps, but that is a value judgment to be made by others.
Now with this said, there is now a solitary thread on this subform that has life. Doubtless the scant few who read it are thrilled by the scatological bent of the conversation
Je suis méchant.