You could be right regarding the Pattern vs the Wheel, but quotes such as "The Pattern has a great deal to answer for" by Min put me in a frame of mind of it being the Pattern causing everything, while the Wheel simply turns, allowing the Pattern to continue it's work.
While the Creator and the Dark One simply being there put their essence as such into the world, the feeling I have is that if one was there without the other, their essence would be too strong, but if both were gone, the world would be in a more 'natural' state - no true good or evil, but simply people making choices of their own, some effectively good and some effectively evil, but not inherently so.
The Pattern (or Wheel) is just forcing everything along a certain path, there is a question as to whether Time would continue without the Wheel in operation, but if not, then perhaps the Wheel and Pattern could continue, but just as a reaction of what people are doing, and not forcing what people do.