I've made a list of the main issues that affected my reading experience.
1. I liked the ending. The callandor twist felt right. Imaging Moridin on his knees as the tool for reforging the DO's prison was great.
2. Gawyn’s story line. I never cared much for Gawyn but this was his time to shine. I found his death the most emotionally engaging scene. I think it was because he was one of the few who has a personal motive. Living in Egwene’s shadow isn’t fun, and the poor guy tried so hard.
3. Perrin vs Slayer. Especially the earlier fight. The pacing and buildup were good. Didn’t feel rushed for a change. Gaul being there added to the tension because I was sure he would get wacked any moment.
4. The Sharan surprise attack was cool.
The BAD:
1. The battle scenes were tedious. It wasn’t really the amount of battle but the disorientation of it all. Perhaps this is part because I listened to it on audio, but I did not really understand how things were arranged in Merrilor. I knew there was ‘the heights’, and ‘the river’, and ‘the ruins’ but didn’t really get how they were related to each other. This in turn led to a hard time when trying to understand the tactics envolved. Hence you couldn’t be shown Mat was a genius and had to be told so instead. Repeatedly.
2. The good guys kept the ‘bullet time’ switched on way too much. I think this was a result of the incomprehensible battlefields. This was glaring during one of Aviendah’s fights with Graendal, when it seemed the darkhounds were just yards away from her. I was like, “Oh no, she’s gotta fight the forsaken AND the hounds at the same time.” The Avi goes,”I think I’ll just focus on Graendal ATM”. Huh, guess the darkhounds weren’t that close after all.
3. All the Great Captains getting compulsed. Wow. Nice idea, BAD execution. I think this is a side effect of BAD point number 1. If you could make small things or troop movements keep the reader and characters guessing if the captain is a dark friend, that would add tension. Especially if you know only one is being turned but you don’t know which one. But since the battle is incomprehensible anyway, you have to be told (heavy handedly) that something is a bad move. And just have all of them turned. <Hicks>It’s the only way to be sure.</Hicks>
4. There are many other things, like Fain and such, but one small thing which really bugged me was the way M’Hael took the loss of the seals in stride. There was the scene were Demandred summons him, and I was sure any moment he was going to go, “And btw, M’Hael, where are the seals ?” And M’Hael would go, “Oh f***”. Then Demandred pounces on him like my cat on the laundry.
1. I liked the ending. The callandor twist felt right. Imaging Moridin on his knees as the tool for reforging the DO's prison was great.
2. Gawyn’s story line. I never cared much for Gawyn but this was his time to shine. I found his death the most emotionally engaging scene. I think it was because he was one of the few who has a personal motive. Living in Egwene’s shadow isn’t fun, and the poor guy tried so hard.
3. Perrin vs Slayer. Especially the earlier fight. The pacing and buildup were good. Didn’t feel rushed for a change. Gaul being there added to the tension because I was sure he would get wacked any moment.
4. The Sharan surprise attack was cool.
The BAD:
1. The battle scenes were tedious. It wasn’t really the amount of battle but the disorientation of it all. Perhaps this is part because I listened to it on audio, but I did not really understand how things were arranged in Merrilor. I knew there was ‘the heights’, and ‘the river’, and ‘the ruins’ but didn’t really get how they were related to each other. This in turn led to a hard time when trying to understand the tactics envolved. Hence you couldn’t be shown Mat was a genius and had to be told so instead. Repeatedly.
2. The good guys kept the ‘bullet time’ switched on way too much. I think this was a result of the incomprehensible battlefields. This was glaring during one of Aviendah’s fights with Graendal, when it seemed the darkhounds were just yards away from her. I was like, “Oh no, she’s gotta fight the forsaken AND the hounds at the same time.” The Avi goes,”I think I’ll just focus on Graendal ATM”. Huh, guess the darkhounds weren’t that close after all.
3. All the Great Captains getting compulsed. Wow. Nice idea, BAD execution. I think this is a side effect of BAD point number 1. If you could make small things or troop movements keep the reader and characters guessing if the captain is a dark friend, that would add tension. Especially if you know only one is being turned but you don’t know which one. But since the battle is incomprehensible anyway, you have to be told (heavy handedly) that something is a bad move. And just have all of them turned. <Hicks>It’s the only way to be sure.</Hicks>
4. There are many other things, like Fain and such, but one small thing which really bugged me was the way M’Hael took the loss of the seals in stride. There was the scene were Demandred summons him, and I was sure any moment he was going to go, “And btw, M’Hael, where are the seals ?” And M’Hael would go, “Oh f***”. Then Demandred pounces on him like my cat on the laundry.
It's 1am and I couldn't continue after reading the word compulsed...
My thoughts
24/01/2013 07:53:21 AM
25/01/2013 06:55:57 AM
English isn't my first language, so man up.
25/01/2013 03:04:30 PM
That excuses the error to a certain extent but doesn't mean you shouldn't correct it.
25/01/2013 06:21:03 PM
Somehow, somewhere I missed the part about Callandor being a trap and a sa'angreal for the TP
25/01/2013 01:50:47 PM
Re: Somehow, somewhere I missed the part about Callandor being a trap and a sa'angreal for the TP
25/01/2013 07:04:42 PM
Correct, and probably with Min's help *NM*
26/01/2013 11:32:58 AM