47 Chosen were ever given "officially" the use of the True Power, at least as far as Moghedien knows. That doesn't count for much when you know tons more Chosen might have been granted the same secretly by the DO, for all we know.
I'm guessing the DO was the source of that number, to let everyone know how special it was to receive his power. There is an interesting piece of information Moghedien (I think) drops near the end of MoL. She is very surprised at the amount of True Power she is able to use and concludes that the other Chosen have been defeated. This must mean that the amount of True Power available is very limited, probably due to the constraints of the Bore. If only 2-3 people were able to use it, if that, 47 is not that farfetched.
I've long been a supporter of the theory the amount of TP available inside the Pattern is very limited and it's largely why the DO ration it, but it doesn't mean some long forgotten Chosen didn't come up with a plan to corrupt Callandor that the last top thirteen who got sealed at the Pit never heard about.
Be'lal and Callandor?
23/01/2013 07:09:03 PM
23/01/2013 08:29:59 PM
I think your number is wrong there, but I also don't see any of it diminishing the premise
23/01/2013 10:59:35 PM
Re: I think your number is wrong there, but I also don't see any of it diminishing the premise
23/01/2013 11:20:18 PM
True, but it is also true that only 29 of the millions of Forsaken ever used the TP
23/01/2013 11:47:00 PM
You seem to be avoiding the actual matter at hand
24/01/2013 12:46:08 AM
I thought it was deliberately made flawed for the very purpose for which it was used *NM*
24/01/2013 12:29:45 AM