Active Users:530 Time:21/09/2024 03:47:54 AM
Nah.. forget that DomA Send a noteboard - 05/11/2012 08:29:53 PM
...and advance copies are already out for some people (cf. Jason's vomitous paean on Dragonmount). The theory sounds grounded, so I'll just say this:

1. If you got hints from someone else, you're almost certainly right
2. If you are right (hints or no), it's got to be a Pyrrhic victory with so little time left
3. If you are right, what a waste of Demandred...

We'll all know in a couple of months (or less, if they do advance the release date).

Tor isn't sending ARCs for WOT books, Harriet forbade it and Doherty enforces this (the publicists have tried to convince him to relent, it didn't work). They didn't do it for TGS and TOM, they don't do it for AMOL either. Most reviewers who get any review copy all got final copies of the book, are for the most part pros from the big media, and still got their copy only a few days before release. Most copies to bloggers etc. were actually sent on the eve of release (Larry, I think, is one of the few who got a copy a few days in advance. Linda and me - I was still involved with the 13th Depository site a the time - got our copies 24 hours before release as our site was only a few months old at the time... Mine anyway, Linda is from Australia and got her copy quite later as the Tor agent was forbidden to use air mail).

Jason and co. (a very select club of WOT webmasters from the old days Harriet has met personally and trust... Theoryland's, EWOT's, DM's and's) have not received ARCs, they've acted as beta-readers for Team Jordan, for all three books. For TOM (perhaps for TGS too, I don't know) Harriet was so paranoid she asked Brandon to print and photocopy these "beta copies" in person as she feared she was too well-known in Charleston to do this herself. No ebook/eletronic copies were made, and the hard copy ones were retrieved after the beta-reading.

There's very little chance of any leak, not from the beta-reader or non existing ARCs anyway. That leaves blunders at Tor or the printers, but we were told security was pretty tight... even at Tor staff including the publicists involved with it were not allowed to read the book until fairly late in the game. Tor even decided the final line edits would take place out of the place (unlike in RJ's days) - they've hired RJ's assistant Maria to do that job from Charleston. Harriet's slightly (!) paranoid about spoilers and didn't take any chance.

This message last edited by DomA on 05/11/2012 at 08:34:11 PM
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[Mik's Warp] - Demandred is.....*click to find out* - 05/11/2012 01:06:42 PM 2703 Views
There are only 2 months left before AMOL comes out (or less)... - 05/11/2012 02:10:07 PM 1273 Views
Nah.. forget that - 05/11/2012 08:29:53 PM 1119 Views
Re: Nah.. forget that - 05/11/2012 10:07:46 PM 972 Views
Re: There are only 2 months left before AMOL comes out (or less)... - 06/11/2012 12:40:54 PM 1164 Views
I'm not saying it's not a well-reasoned theory; it is. - 06/11/2012 06:02:36 PM 1163 Views
I say Roederan is a better choice simply because of where he is located - 06/11/2012 11:01:28 PM 1065 Views
Re: I say Roederan is a better choice simply because of where he is located - 07/11/2012 09:42:00 AM 1314 Views
I applaud your effort, but to be honest I just can't see it - 07/11/2012 04:48:17 PM 950 Views
Re: I applaud your effort, but to be honest I just can't see it - 07/11/2012 08:36:34 PM 1203 Views
There has been a lot of waste in WOT..... - 06/11/2012 06:26:56 PM 893 Views
LIKE! *NM* - 09/12/2012 02:37:49 PM 1017 Views
Whoops *NM* - 06/11/2012 07:27:06 PM 544 Views
Plausible, albeit antilclimactic *NM* - 05/11/2012 06:32:38 PM 595 Views
Unless Mat is Demandred, at this point it will be anticlimactic. *NM* - 06/11/2012 04:02:38 AM 558 Views
That would be EPIC *NM* - 06/11/2012 07:53:30 PM 564 Views
That would be EPIC *NM* - 06/11/2012 07:53:31 PM 558 Views
You've tried too hard... - 05/11/2012 07:53:41 PM 2778 Views
Will be so disappointed if the Shadow's greatest (non-crazy) leader is defeated by Mr Happy Go Lucky - 05/11/2012 08:57:59 PM 1110 Views
I doubt Mat will kill him personally but - 05/11/2012 09:24:48 PM 867 Views
I don't know - 06/11/2012 02:01:41 AM 876 Views
My prediction of how it plays out... - 06/11/2012 07:12:15 AM 978 Views
I don't think that's likely - 06/11/2012 06:04:55 PM 941 Views
LOL ... it will be a saying in the next Age - 06/11/2012 10:36:04 PM 876 Views
Re: I don't think that's likely - 06/11/2012 11:21:21 PM 867 Views
Re: I don't think that's likely - 07/11/2012 08:14:28 PM 988 Views
Re: I don't think that's likely - 07/11/2012 09:05:07 PM 1096 Views
Re: I don't think that's likely - 08/11/2012 05:52:16 PM 923 Views
It sounds like we're at the same stage of vision of the AOL - 08/11/2012 07:48:17 PM 874 Views
Statistics refute some of that... - 09/11/2012 07:35:59 AM 884 Views
We're not talking about the same things... - 09/11/2012 11:31:12 PM 868 Views
It doesn't mean no one in this Age can be at Talented or Intelligent. - 09/11/2012 11:43:26 PM 1059 Views
Re: It doesn't mean no one in this Age can be at Talented or Intelligent. - 10/11/2012 07:34:34 AM 980 Views
You seriously believe that? - 10/11/2012 04:17:09 PM 908 Views
Mat has grown quiet a bit since those days - 06/11/2012 01:55:48 AM 1031 Views
You're putting the Evil on a pedestal. - 06/11/2012 03:12:38 AM 800 Views
No, just desperately trying to raise the stakes a bit... - 06/11/2012 07:00:59 AM 935 Views
That's essentially what I was saying - 06/11/2012 03:35:45 PM 1062 Views
hmmm - 06/11/2012 10:27:00 AM 1194 Views
... is defeated by Mr Happy Go Lucky - 06/11/2012 08:45:02 PM 1029 Views
Mat is essentially the man (men) who wrote the books Demandred studied - 06/11/2012 10:42:40 PM 848 Views
Exactly... - 06/11/2012 11:45:36 PM 1023 Views
... is defeated by Mr Happy Go Lucky - 06/11/2012 08:45:29 PM 1068 Views
I didn't try hard at all; Demandred found me... - 06/11/2012 03:31:41 PM 1028 Views
My biggest contention with Demandred being with the Sea Folk - 06/11/2012 10:54:50 PM 1007 Views
Re: My biggest contention with Demandred being with the Sea Folk - 07/11/2012 12:07:02 AM 1049 Views
Well, it instantly gives the Shadow access to attacking every coastal city... - 07/11/2012 10:32:23 AM 927 Views
Exactly! - 07/11/2012 10:54:14 AM 1470 Views
If he married Nynaeve and Moiraine he'd have his wives at Rand's side in the Pit too.... - 07/11/2012 03:28:38 PM 896 Views
I find that approach unnecessarily convoluted. Just hit them with 1 billion Trollocs and crush them. - 08/11/2012 07:00:36 AM 884 Views
Not likely he has that many... - 08/11/2012 03:00:32 PM 816 Views
May I ask some practical questions? - 08/11/2012 05:28:41 PM 821 Views
Re: May I ask some practical questions? - 08/11/2012 10:35:38 PM 956 Views
Re: May I ask some practical questions? - 10/11/2012 12:09:15 AM 892 Views
Re: May I ask some practical questions? - 10/11/2012 03:11:59 AM 887 Views
LOL ... Seems more than a little far fetched *NM* - 10/11/2012 06:17:34 AM 504 Views
Well you asked for an explanation - 13/11/2012 10:23:41 PM 806 Views
fair enough *NM* - 14/11/2012 01:31:52 AM 474 Views
Re: May I ask some practical questions? - 10/11/2012 07:15:58 PM 935 Views
Exactly! - 11/11/2012 07:38:46 AM 941 Views
Good practical questions... - 09/11/2012 07:24:14 AM 922 Views
He doesn't need the SF for that - 09/11/2012 03:00:34 PM 705 Views
Well, they hadn't planned on them being Traveling grounds as they didn't know about - 09/11/2012 02:57:16 PM 769 Views
Re: Well, they hadn't planned on them being Traveling grounds as they didn't know about - 09/11/2012 09:03:14 PM 884 Views
I know. I'm saying they were not doing this with Traveling in mind. - 09/11/2012 11:57:34 PM 866 Views
Re: I know. I'm saying they were not doing this with Traveling in mind. - 10/11/2012 10:08:04 PM 2386 Views
I see what you are getting at ... And I see how Zaida used it to her advantage - 11/11/2012 07:45:19 AM 929 Views
Re: I see what you are getting at ... And I see how Zaida used it to her advantage - 12/11/2012 02:57:08 PM 929 Views
Nesta sent 2 ambassadors to the Coramoor. Both looking for the same thing - 12/11/2012 04:11:50 PM 959 Views
Re: Nesta sent 2 ambassadors to the Coramoor. Both looking for the same thing - 12/11/2012 06:01:33 PM 1055 Views
Well there is also the fact that Harine pretty much tells us she MUST make a Bargain - 12/11/2012 06:51:24 PM 1090 Views
Re: Well there is also the fact that Harine pretty much tells us she MUST make a Bargain - 12/11/2012 09:30:57 PM 886 Views
Not to belabor the point - 12/11/2012 10:56:39 PM 837 Views
Re: Not to belabor the point - 13/11/2012 12:46:21 AM 793 Views
I think you are way off base on the economics - 13/11/2012 01:24:35 AM 760 Views
Re: I think you are way off base on the economics - 13/11/2012 03:48:40 PM 877 Views
no reason to *NM* - 14/11/2012 01:35:55 AM 491 Views
I don't see the problem... - 07/11/2012 10:52:49 AM 1612 Views
This is preposterous - 07/11/2012 04:15:11 PM 1303 Views
Who? - 06/11/2012 07:29:46 PM 839 Views
Paah, he's clearly on the Isle of Madmen to the south. - 10/11/2012 03:28:26 AM 1266 Views

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