I found the Isam stuff more interesting, frankly. It seems to contradict The Shadow Rising.
Cannoli Send a noteboard - 20/09/2012 07:09:54 PM
As far as I am concerned, the identity of the woman doesn't matter much, since it is not likely to be a long term mystery. It's probably Cyndane or Graendal. While Graendal was recognizable to the others by her bearing and manner, she is also clever enough to conceal that sort of thing when she wants to disguise herself to a guy like Isam who would be very likely to pick up on that stuff. Cyndane has the attitude and would be more motivated, and Moghedian is also a candidate, being the most skilled at disguising herself and altering her demeanor. Either would have a motivation to take out Rand, if they discerned the link between him and Moridin, who, besides his long established motivation for keeping Rand alive, has that to worry about now. Being close to Moridin and held by the mindtraps gives them the most incentive to want him out of the way, and in an indirect manner, such as by killing a guy whose death will take down Moridin with him. Also, they are the two who are best in T'A'R. Moghedian caught Birgitte eavesdropping, and without alerting the Hero to her own awareness, so it is possible she might have caught Isam and taken pains to act in a way he would not recognize.
What I find more interesting is the background information about Luc's childhood, which fleshes out the character some more. I can't help but think that in RJ's hands, that scene would have really let us know him as a person. Also, the discussion of his activity in the Two Rivers. From tSR, I got the impression that Fain was the one trying to lure Rand, and that Isam and the Trollocs had only been there trying to kill Fain (there was a pattern of attacks by Shadowspawn against him, and Luc was very interested in whether or not he had survived the sack of Taren Ferry; in WH Moridin speculates about whether or not Isam will succeed in finding and killing Fain). If Isam & the Trollocs went to the Two Rivers to lure Rand there, the operation was a massive screw-up, since no word got out.
Literally NO ONE in the outside world learned about the Trollocs until long after the fact. Word about the Children of Light reached Tear, and Andor had no idea about the Trollocs. It's a pretty crummy trap, if the bait is hidden that well. Also, Fain was the one who expressly threatened Rand with scourging the Two Rivers, after he had already turned against the Shadow. It seems beyond belief that one of the Forsaken would suddenly have the idea to send Isam and a bunch of Trollocs to the Two Rivers to ravage the place to draw Rand in, at the EXACT SAME TIME Ordeith/Fain was carrying out a similar operation. And then, said Forsaken completely ignoring the operation.
IMO, the Two Rivers plot was too soon after Ishamael's death and too far before any appearances of Moridin for him. Mesaana, Lanfear and Asmodean were up to other stuff. It was out of character for Moghedian, who was also preoccupied, it predated the activity of Aran'gar & Osen'gar, Bel'al was out of the running, Sammael did not think Rand would be affected by sentimental attachments (he did not seem to grasp Rand's reaction to dead Maidens), Demandred seems equally unlikely to try to use childhood attachments against Rand, Rahvin would not have wanted Rand poking around so close to his turf, I can't see Graendal's angle in such a move, and it was not personal enough for Semirhage, who'd have wanted to be there to watch the bloodshed.
The only thing that makes sense about Isam's work in the Two Rivers is that someone from the Shadow sent him after Fain, who was trying to lure Rand there. Fain's presence with the Children necessitated Isam being given troops as well. Period. I can't help but think B-Sand choked on this one.
What I find more interesting is the background information about Luc's childhood, which fleshes out the character some more. I can't help but think that in RJ's hands, that scene would have really let us know him as a person. Also, the discussion of his activity in the Two Rivers. From tSR, I got the impression that Fain was the one trying to lure Rand, and that Isam and the Trollocs had only been there trying to kill Fain (there was a pattern of attacks by Shadowspawn against him, and Luc was very interested in whether or not he had survived the sack of Taren Ferry; in WH Moridin speculates about whether or not Isam will succeed in finding and killing Fain). If Isam & the Trollocs went to the Two Rivers to lure Rand there, the operation was a massive screw-up, since no word got out.
Literally NO ONE in the outside world learned about the Trollocs until long after the fact. Word about the Children of Light reached Tear, and Andor had no idea about the Trollocs. It's a pretty crummy trap, if the bait is hidden that well. Also, Fain was the one who expressly threatened Rand with scourging the Two Rivers, after he had already turned against the Shadow. It seems beyond belief that one of the Forsaken would suddenly have the idea to send Isam and a bunch of Trollocs to the Two Rivers to ravage the place to draw Rand in, at the EXACT SAME TIME Ordeith/Fain was carrying out a similar operation. And then, said Forsaken completely ignoring the operation.
IMO, the Two Rivers plot was too soon after Ishamael's death and too far before any appearances of Moridin for him. Mesaana, Lanfear and Asmodean were up to other stuff. It was out of character for Moghedian, who was also preoccupied, it predated the activity of Aran'gar & Osen'gar, Bel'al was out of the running, Sammael did not think Rand would be affected by sentimental attachments (he did not seem to grasp Rand's reaction to dead Maidens), Demandred seems equally unlikely to try to use childhood attachments against Rand, Rahvin would not have wanted Rand poking around so close to his turf, I can't see Graendal's angle in such a move, and it was not personal enough for Semirhage, who'd have wanted to be there to watch the bloodshed.
The only thing that makes sense about Isam's work in the Two Rivers is that someone from the Shadow sent him after Fain, who was trying to lure Rand there. Fain's presence with the Children necessitated Isam being given troops as well. Period. I can't help but think B-Sand choked on this one.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
AMOL Prologue: The Town *major spoilers*
19/09/2012 06:54:35 PM
Re: AMOL Prologue: The Town *major spoilers*
19/09/2012 07:59:58 PM
Red Veiled are merely Channeling Darkfriends that file their teeth.
20/09/2012 05:19:34 AM
Ever heard of the Mirror of Mists?
20/09/2012 08:13:51 AM
The Red Veils seem to be the Male Aiel who can Channel. Those that go to "Kill Site Blinder"
23/09/2012 03:12:27 AM
I found the Isam stuff more interesting, frankly. It seems to contradict The Shadow Rising.
20/09/2012 07:09:54 PM
I think it was Cyndane, and perhaps we got there the solution to other unsolved mysteries...
20/09/2012 07:25:38 PM
I haven't see a shadow theory I liked so much since the Forsaken tea party one on wotmania
20/09/2012 10:32:52 PM