Yes. She helped him when she thought he was in the wrong, and when it became clear that he had a special dispensation, that was when she REALLY started getting down on him. From the very first words after it becomes clear what his importance is at Falme, when despite feeling the ta'veren pull as well as noting Min's obvious connection, she's trying to warn Min (a person the Pattern thinks he needs) away from him. When he's a mere soon-to-be crazy channeler, she's cool with letting him run loose and hiding him from people who might have saved his life and more importantly (both objectively and probably in his own eyes) kept him from hurting anyone else. Once it becomes clear that he is so much more important than she, she starts bad-mouthing him and he get's no more help from her.

And Bashere watched him all but snap right before his eyes, but as he points out to Rand, crazy or not, he's still the indispensable figure.
So? When Egwene comes out in favor of imprisoning, gentling or killing Rand, you'd have a point. She's wary of his mental state, worried that he isn't doing everything right, especially when there's a chance that quite apart from madness, the advice of a possible Black sister may be informing his actions. If you want to tell me that Bashere wouldn't be similarly worried if he got such reports...
In the same book where the uncle & heir to a powerful monarch and one of the five greatest generals alive tells Rand "The world must follow you or fail," Egwene is saying that she will not lead Aes Sedai to follow "him or any man." And calls the idea of swearing fealty to him "...ridiculous, of course..." And this was a mere book after she observed Moiraine, killer of two Forsaken, and rightfully the greatest hero in the history of the White Tower, bar none (Nynaeve was still warming up) give that exact same oath! Who is Egwene, who is Sheriam or Romanda or Lelaine, to refuse what Moiraine Damodred could humble herself to do?
Nothing at all, except Moiraine made it clear she swore fealty so she could continue influencing Rand. The whole Tower did not have such a need at that point, and neither did Egwene.
And where exactly do you get the idea that just because the man is the prophesied savior, people should bend over backwards to accommodate him and do exactly what he says? Its one thing to demand that they don't actively work to constrain or cripple him like Elaida. Its entirely different to say everyone should swear fealty. The way the Pattern works, the criticism and opposition from Rand's friends and allies, and his own reactions to them play as much of a part towards his eventual success as anything else. After all, Nynaeve could have made a fatalistic choice to oppose nothing the Dragon does, and let him rain down destruction on the Borderlander army. Cadsuane could have accepted his dangerous emotional state. Tam could have refused to speak to and help his son. After all, no matter how crazy and murderous he gets, he's the Dragon Reborn, so let him do as he likes, swear fealty and shut up, right?
It's good to be right. Especially when you see Rand list his good influences in ToM
30/11/2011 03:24:55 PM
ToM shows that Rand has caught on to who Egwene is
30/11/2011 03:49:34 PM
That's the really appalling part - it is so ingrained in her, that you can induce such specific acts
30/11/2011 04:38:07 PM
This is clearly a Sandersonism...
01/12/2011 02:35:39 AM
Of course it is...
01/12/2011 11:03:49 AM

Well, she DID try to deflate his ego, but then she punished those who returned the favor to her.
01/12/2011 03:33:11 PM
Can't think of a single time that Egwene was a good friend to Rand *NM*
01/12/2011 07:16:39 AM
Re: It's good to be right. Especially when you see Rand list his good influences in ToM
01/12/2011 01:26:49 PM
In tGH he was still immature and reflexively giving props to his love interest *NM*
01/12/2011 03:04:17 PM
Re: In tGH he was still immature and reflexively giving props to his love interest
03/12/2011 02:39:47 AM
Re: In tGH he was still immature and reflexively giving props to his love interest
04/12/2011 03:36:10 AM
Re: In tGH he was still immature and reflexively giving props to his love interest
04/12/2011 08:05:32 AM
God, I can't stand Rand fanboys/girls. Some facts, please.
02/12/2011 06:12:14 PM
I can't stand people who don't know stuff but act like they do.
04/12/2011 03:23:47 AM
Self-contradiction, much?
04/12/2011 08:20:00 AM
No, just dealing with a fickle hypocrite.
05/12/2011 04:27:32 AM
Re: No, just dealing with a fickle hypocrite.
05/12/2011 10:56:17 AM
Except somehow, Egwene always ends up opposing him on the wrong stuff
05/12/2011 03:55:50 PM
Re: It's good to be right. Especially when you see Rand list his good influences in ToM
03/12/2011 12:42:02 AM
You know, most people don't need the Game of Houses to get their childhood friends to help
04/12/2011 03:24:43 AM
Re: You know, most people don't need the Game of Houses to get their childhood friends to help
04/12/2011 03:34:45 AM
Re: You know, most people don't need the Game of Houses to get their childhood friends to help
04/12/2011 03:36:09 AM
That's because he (and you, and I) had 18 years/11 books of her bitchery as a reference point
04/12/2011 03:37:16 AM
Re: That's because he (and you, and I) had 18 years/11 books of her bitchery as a reference point
04/12/2011 03:38:22 AM
Re: It's good to be right. Especially when you see Rand list his good influences in ToM
06/12/2011 04:43:43 PM