Active Users:485 Time:19/12/2024 05:14:10 AM
That's because he (and you, and I) had 18 years/11 books of her bitchery as a reference point Cannoli Send a noteboard - 04/12/2011 03:37:16 AM
So Rand claims that the difference between him and Lews Therin, and why the Shadow could not corrupt or break him, is “because of Tam, because of the people around me. (Min), Perrin, Nynaeve, Mat, Aviendha, Elayne, Moiraine.”

Notice any conspicuous omissions from that list? A certain someone he has known almost as long as Perrin, Mat & Nynaeve? A certain someone who has spent more time with him over the course of the series than even the mother of his children or his two closest friends? I’m just saying, that it’s funny how my long-standing view of who is and isn’t a good influence is corroborated by the champion of the Light at his ultimate peak of wisdom and transcendent insight. In addition, Uber-Rand’s first act upon his apotheosis is to set into motion a strategy dependent entirely on the presumption of Egwene’s reflexive opposition and automatic hostility to him or to a decisive step to defeat the Dark One.

Rand reaches a point of near divine awareness and judgment, and his brain goes right to the Cannoli-place. Think upon that, ye mortals, and despair.

To be honest, i didn't notice this when i read the book. Nice catch!

however, i think he disagrees with how the aei sedai believe they must act. He tells Nynaeve not to let them ruin her. Also, as we know, Egwene always jumps into things with her whole heart, and therefore, becomes something he doesn't really believe is the right way to live. So, its not that she wasn't a good influence.

Also, I don't believe he presumes taht she will reflexively oppose him... its just that he knows taht most people will reject the idea (i dunno... seems like back when LTT's plan was rejected) and who better to set to people gather than Egwene? Someone who works her hardest to do what she believes to be good and right? Just because he has reached a "divine awareness" (i like that wording )... doesn't mean he doesn't still understand the game of houses, and doesn't mean he will completely depend on his ta'veern nature to do what he feels must be done.

yes.. but i don't htink Rand expected her to approach her like a childhood friend... nor did I

eer... change that second her to him
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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It's good to be right. Especially when you see Rand list his good influences in ToM - 30/11/2011 03:24:55 PM 2219 Views
This is clearly a Sandersonism... - 01/12/2011 02:35:39 AM 1032 Views
Of course it is... - 01/12/2011 11:03:49 AM 969 Views
Re: Of course it is... - 02/12/2011 06:16:01 PM 1062 Views
Can't think of a single time that Egwene was a good friend to Rand *NM* - 01/12/2011 07:16:39 AM 541 Views
TGH, TFoH and TDR. *NM* - 01/12/2011 01:23:28 PM 466 Views
Bah, bull and pffft. - 01/12/2011 03:26:07 PM 1116 Views
Re: It's good to be right. Especially when you see Rand list his good influences in ToM - 01/12/2011 01:26:49 PM 1022 Views
In tGH he was still immature and reflexively giving props to his love interest *NM* - 01/12/2011 03:04:17 PM 564 Views
Re: In tGH he was still immature and reflexively giving props to his love interest - 03/12/2011 02:39:47 AM 972 Views
... - 03/12/2011 09:13:13 AM 986 Views
God, I can't stand Rand fanboys/girls. Some facts, please. - 02/12/2011 06:12:14 PM 1545 Views
I can't stand people who don't know stuff but act like they do. - 04/12/2011 03:23:47 AM 920 Views
Self-contradiction, much? - 04/12/2011 08:20:00 AM 1001 Views
No, just dealing with a fickle hypocrite. - 05/12/2011 04:27:32 AM 1078 Views
Re: No, just dealing with a fickle hypocrite. - 05/12/2011 10:56:17 AM 948 Views
Except somehow, Egwene always ends up opposing him on the wrong stuff - 05/12/2011 03:55:50 PM 1140 Views
Re: It's good to be right. Especially when you see Rand list his good influences in ToM - 03/12/2011 12:42:02 AM 982 Views
You know, most people don't need the Game of Houses to get their childhood friends to help - 04/12/2011 03:24:43 AM 975 Views
Re: You know, most people don't need the Game of Houses to get their childhood friends to help - 04/12/2011 03:34:45 AM 971 Views
Re: You know, most people don't need the Game of Houses to get their childhood friends to help - 04/12/2011 03:36:09 AM 953 Views
That's because he (and you, and I) had 18 years/11 books of her bitchery as a reference point - 04/12/2011 03:37:16 AM 975 Views
HAHA, hard to argue that one! - 04/12/2011 03:39:45 AM 1018 Views
Of course there's the fact that by most people's standards.... - 06/12/2011 12:31:13 PM 1115 Views
About Cadsuane... - 06/12/2011 05:22:39 PM 1174 Views
Go Egwene! - 09/12/2011 07:47:47 AM 963 Views

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