Re: "How much do you trust Mat Cauthon?", asked X of Y...
Tansu Targli Send a noteboard - 29/09/2011 04:29:34 PM
An important moment in #AMoL centers on one character turning to another and asking, "How much do you trust Mat Cauthon?" How much indeed.
1) Who are X and Y?
X]Would be somebody who doesn't know Mat too well, but at least knows who he is. Some associate of the Shadow perhaps? or maybe a random Aes Sedai. I'm gonna say that it is not Fortuona because she calls him Matrim, not Mat.
Y]Would be somebody who knows Mat pretty well. Egwene, Elayne, or Rand.
2) What is the important moment that revolves around trusting Mat?
Situation A] Aes Sedai questioning the wisdom of letting him have the Horn of Valere.
Situation B] Elayne having to choose between trying to save Caemlyn and leaving it to Mat(The guy who didn't read Verin's letter.)
Situation C] The Shadow tries to sow discord amongst the forces of the light.
3) Will that trust (assuming it is given) be justified in this instance? Or will Mat screw up, as some prophesies seem to suggest?
I'm willing to believe in Mat.
"How much do you trust Mat Cauthon?", asked X of Y...
28/09/2011 10:50:21 PM
Re: "How much do you trust Mat Cauthon?", asked X of Y...
29/09/2011 04:29:34 PM