I was on vacation last week and needed a new book on the Kindle, so I downloaded EotW. What a great vacation read.
Who else has recently started a re-read?
Who else has recently started a re-read?
I'm nearing the end of TEOTW in my pre-publication re-read and am slowly buying Audible versions of the books. I haven't bought any Kindle versions yet but will when I reach FOH in my re-read (my hard copy of that is falling apart). In addition, I just wanted to check one section of TOM and wound up reading for nearly two hours.
Who's up for a re-read?
22/06/2011 01:23:10 AM
Re: Who's up for a re-read?
23/06/2011 03:29:19 PM
Just ordered EoTW from the library! waiting for the call that it's in. *NM*
05/07/2011 08:59:25 PM