One-Eyed Fool: Obviously Mat.
First Among Vermin: Likely Rand. Maybe Fain, he would certainly be considered vermin and first among them.
Fallen Blacksmith: Perrin
Broken Wolf: Hard one. Possible characters: Ituralde, the known wolfbrothers (Elyas, Noam/Boundless), may also be a return reference to Perrin. This person is so tied to the people of the world that their death brings sorrow and woe. This person knows Death(Moridin).
Death: Moridin
Broken Champion: Rand. A noticeable mention on the Broken part. The wolves spoke that it was unknown whether Rand would choose the dark/light side. Seems to me that all prophecy is made based on the patterns current threads. That moment on dragonmount seemed to be one of those epic moments that changes even the Pattern. Since he no longer is "broken", this would make this part of the proph wrong.
So now:
halls of mourning: not capped. Very likely metaphorical and not an actual place. If it's a mistake and actually a location, what and where? Possible that "One Eyed Fool" is the final description of Mat based on the fact that the Ael saw that he would give up his eye, which is possible it makes the halls of mourning the world of the Ael/Elfinn.
Final days of the blacksmiths pride: seems like foretells his death but doesn't fit the pattern with the others. The others mention events tied to those characters and not that they will die. Is "pride" a ridiculous use of a thesaurus to mean "pack" instead? Which would make it the wolves.
Death has known, consumed by Midnight Tower: Actual location and metaphorical at the same time. Known towers: White, Black, Midnight Towers in Seanchan. Midnight Towers in Seanchan are used as a prison and where those of the Blood are to be imprisoned/killed. Seekers of the Seanchan Empire have jurisdiction and are Judge/Jury when it comes to their justice. The Broken Wolf is Judged and executed? EDIT***Tower of Ravens is the prison and not the Towers of Midnight. Unknown use...
These are all events that are prophed to happen before Lord of the Evening is to appear.
First Among Vermin: Likely Rand. Maybe Fain, he would certainly be considered vermin and first among them.
Fallen Blacksmith: Perrin
Broken Wolf: Hard one. Possible characters: Ituralde, the known wolfbrothers (Elyas, Noam/Boundless), may also be a return reference to Perrin. This person is so tied to the people of the world that their death brings sorrow and woe. This person knows Death(Moridin).
Death: Moridin
Broken Champion: Rand. A noticeable mention on the Broken part. The wolves spoke that it was unknown whether Rand would choose the dark/light side. Seems to me that all prophecy is made based on the patterns current threads. That moment on dragonmount seemed to be one of those epic moments that changes even the Pattern. Since he no longer is "broken", this would make this part of the proph wrong.
So now:
halls of mourning: not capped. Very likely metaphorical and not an actual place. If it's a mistake and actually a location, what and where? Possible that "One Eyed Fool" is the final description of Mat based on the fact that the Ael saw that he would give up his eye, which is possible it makes the halls of mourning the world of the Ael/Elfinn.
Final days of the blacksmiths pride: seems like foretells his death but doesn't fit the pattern with the others. The others mention events tied to those characters and not that they will die. Is "pride" a ridiculous use of a thesaurus to mean "pack" instead? Which would make it the wolves.
Death has known, consumed by Midnight Tower: Actual location and metaphorical at the same time. Known towers: White, Black, Midnight Towers in Seanchan. Midnight Towers in Seanchan are used as a prison and where those of the Blood are to be imprisoned/killed. Seekers of the Seanchan Empire have jurisdiction and are Judge/Jury when it comes to their justice. The Broken Wolf is Judged and executed? EDIT***Tower of Ravens is the prison and not the Towers of Midnight. Unknown use...
These are all events that are prophed to happen before Lord of the Evening is to appear.
This message last edited by lodlom on 02/06/2011 at 08:16:07 PM
Closing Prophecy of Towers of Midnight (SPOILERS- Don't read unless you want to know it)
28/10/2010 02:40:11 AM
Re: Closing Prophecy of Towers of Midnight (SPOILERS- Don't read unless you want to know it)
28/10/2010 02:54:30 AM
Re: Closing Prophecy of Towers of Midnight (SPOILERS- Don't read unless you want to know it)
18/05/2011 04:48:36 AM
Significant Mentions
02/06/2011 06:31:50 PM
Re: Closing Prophecy of Towers of Midnight (SPOILERS- Don't read unless you want to know it)
03/12/2011 12:08:11 AM