This is a humor post...sort of a reverse famous last words.
We know that the Heroes of the Horn are hanging around in Tel'aran'rhiod till they are spun out again and they are aware of their past lives. So back in the Age of Legends when Lews Therin Telamon botches the sealing of the Dark One's prison and he blasts himself into oblivion he would then pop into T'A'R and say to himself....
"well that didnt work so time I gotta remember that doesnt work"
Think of any other famous rebirth words, Forsaken reborn, heroes etc
We know that the Heroes of the Horn are hanging around in Tel'aran'rhiod till they are spun out again and they are aware of their past lives. So back in the Age of Legends when Lews Therin Telamon botches the sealing of the Dark One's prison and he blasts himself into oblivion he would then pop into T'A'R and say to himself....
"well that didnt work so time I gotta remember that doesnt work"
Think of any other famous rebirth words, Forsaken reborn, heroes etc
The Dragon soul after death...
12/03/2011 12:43:59 AM
Last time I go searching for wine in the room Rhavin kept his sex slaves! *NM*
12/03/2011 02:50:30 AM
I got killed by the Greenman!!!??? Are you frickin kidding me!!!??? *NM*
13/03/2011 04:42:11 PM
Blood and bloody ashes, not again. Where are my dice? Which goat-kisser stole my flamin dice?!? *NM*
15/03/2011 06:03:33 PM