Some of the Reds who took a leading role in Cairhien were never apprentices. A few Aes Sedai were stilled by Rand when he broke free. Because of what had happened to them the Wise Ones decided that they had been punished enough and decided to try to keep them alive. Flynn came along and healed them and they then swore to the Dragon.
Technically they were not under the Wise One's authority as the Aiel treated them as if their toh had been met where as the captured Aes Sedai who were apprenticed were still working their way towards getting respect again.
Technically they were not under the Wise One's authority as the Aiel treated them as if their toh had been met where as the captured Aes Sedai who were apprenticed were still working their way towards getting respect again.
WO Apprentices
13/02/2011 07:51:17 AM
Re: WO Apprentices
13/02/2011 12:50:10 PM
Re: WO Apprentices
14/02/2011 03:16:28 AM