Active Users:470 Time:03/07/2024 05:22:56 PM
Re: Yet it remains unproven that these two were of a different "kind" HyogaRott Send a noteboard - 28/01/2011 06:14:24 PM
In LoC Rand specifically states tht there are 2 kinds of Darkhounds; ones that can be killed normally, and ones that can't. We have seen evidence of this as well. When the Darkhounds first appeared in EotW, some were taken out with arrows (first time we see the Two Rivers Longbow in action), while in Ruiden(sp) Rand had to use balefire.

The theory that the Darkhounds Rand had to balefire were somehow imbued with the Dark One's essance because he was specifically looking for Asmo is flawed. They found Asmo first but left him alone. They snuck past everyone in the Maiden's house to get to Rand so in that we can assume they were following orders. The same with the one that went after Matt. Logically, Matt and Rand were the targets of the attack.

The argument that it is just Rand's opinion that there are 2 types of Darkhounds is further damaged when you consider that it is during this time that we start to see instances of Lews Therin's factual knowledge begin to leak through into Rand's conversations with other characters.

It is my opinion that there are 2 types, and that Rand was speaking with Lews Therin's knowledge on the subject when he made the statement.
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Dark Hounds - Unbeatable? - 26/01/2011 06:02:34 PM 923 Views
why are you saying they can only be killed by balefire? Perrin killed one - 26/01/2011 06:18:47 PM 572 Views
There's more than one type of darkhound- we've seen some that can only be balefired - 26/01/2011 07:32:38 PM 637 Views
Yet it remains unproven that these two were of a different "kind" - 27/01/2011 12:02:38 PM 549 Views
Re: Yet it remains unproven that these two were of a different "kind" - 28/01/2011 06:14:24 PM 445 Views
DomA makes a good point - 28/01/2011 09:14:42 PM 443 Views
Re: DomA DOES NOT makes a good point - 02/02/2011 02:54:27 PM 409 Views
You, sir, make no sense! - 01/02/2011 08:58:16 PM 390 Views
Actually, it DOES make sense - 01/02/2011 10:18:38 PM 364 Views
You, sir, make no sense! - 02/02/2011 01:01:16 AM 451 Views
Internet, thy name is semantics. *NM* - 02/02/2011 08:11:01 AM 172 Views

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