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Forsaken chapter analysis Sidious Send a noteboard - 17/09/2009 04:19:07 PM
As usual, reading about my favourite characters was orgasmic. Just seeing the word Graendal made me want to be one of her pets.

These are the points I'd like to make about the chapter...

1. Graendal is indeed in Arad Doman, even though Asmodean doubted she still would be, and Rand wonders if she is. This looks like a head on collision between Rand and Graendal.

2. I found it odd that Graendal was bothered by the heat. Heat doesn't affect channelers, or anyone with the skill to ignore it. I recall that Sammael commented on Graendal's unnecessary weaves in her palace which make it cool, but this could also have been an error on Brandon's part.

3. A black fortress with black furniture in the Blight. I'm not surprised he fortified himself there.

4. It was obviously Graendal who killed Asmodean. She speaks of the seven remaining Chosen, once again not wondering about his fate. Even Aran'gar wondered about him in KoD.
Gah, just say it already Kamarile.

5. Demandred never smiled? Never seemed to enjoy anything? He laughed openly in KoD when Semirhage made a joke.

6. Graendal's thoughts on her peers interests me. As one of the deadliest of the Forsaken, her opinion counts when she says something. She clearly thinks that Semirhage and Demandred are very dangerous opponents, but she can't decide who is more dangerous. She initially thinks Semirhage, and then Demandred. She even thought that Semirhage was the leader of the trio. This further strengthens my belief that the the six top Forsaken are very similar. She then states that Mesaana is a second rate Forsaken who never achieved any great deeds such as Moridin, Semirhage and Demandred did. This sort of fits in well. Mesaana seems like a broken reed anyway. I just can't take her seriously anymore. I half expect her to cry when she speaks.

7. I like that Moridin makes the Forsaken stand when he walks in now, lol. I also particularly like the small reason why Demandred didn't sit - because I was surprised that he stood. It prevented him from having to stand for Moridin. Lol, it's all so childish, but it's delicious.

8. Who is 'our woman there' who saw Semirhage hurl fire at Rand? It could be Elza but it might be a secret darkfriend.

9. I think we can discount Moridin sending for Semirhage to be killed by Slayer. I thought that was a possibility. It's also important that Mesaana and Demandred see no way to get near to her, and actually need Moridin's help. Unfortunately for Semirhage, the Shadow isn't going to help her.

10. So Moridin and Rand are linked physically, and more tightly that we were initially led to believe. Rand's madness could be from Moridin's TP use. Who knows...

11. Where is Demandred? I hate that man, but I do wonder what he's up to. He has an army and somewhere to rule, so we'll see what he unleashes on the world. We're just going to have to wait for the last chapter of the series, lol.

12. Moridin may be training Graendal to be some sort of vice-Nae'blis, or just toying with her to get what he wants. It's difficult to say. She's going to kill someone close to him and teach him real agony I say. Graendal vs Rand... how much more obvious can it be?

A nice chapter... missing some Forsaken, but lots of information. A good effort from Brandon
Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
This message last edited by Sidious on 17/09/2009 at 04:32:46 PM
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TGS Prologue - your thoughts (part 1) *spoilers* - 16/09/2009 04:56:20 AM 5410 Views
Re: TGS Prologue - your thoughts (part 1) *spoilers* - 16/09/2009 06:33:25 AM 1604 Views
TGS with Tracy Jordan *NM* - 16/09/2009 07:58:20 AM 699 Views
LOL. That's what I always think of as well! *NM* - 16/09/2009 03:27:27 PM 643 Views
My comments so far - 17/09/2009 05:42:58 AM 1560 Views
lol this is great... - 17/09/2009 06:37:47 AM 1215 Views
Why so many edits? *NM* - 24/09/2009 05:30:44 AM 782 Views
I said I was posting comments as I was reading it - 24/09/2009 06:19:09 AM 1088 Views
So has no one really read it yet or - 17/09/2009 06:55:52 AM 1136 Views
Re: So has no one really read it yet or - 17/09/2009 06:59:09 AM 1268 Views
Re: So has no one really read it yet or - 17/09/2009 07:00:16 AM 1347 Views
Slow down the Seanchan invasion maybe? - 17/09/2009 07:07:08 AM 1176 Views
Re: Slow down the Seanchan invasion maybe? - 17/09/2009 07:15:35 AM 1223 Views
Re: Slow down the Seanchan invasion maybe? - 17/09/2009 07:18:12 AM 1237 Views
Re: Slow down the Seanchan invasion maybe? - 18/09/2009 06:19:43 AM 1156 Views
Re: Slow down the Seanchan invasion maybe? - 24/09/2009 12:44:30 PM 1183 Views
First move in a full blown assualt. - 17/09/2009 09:37:00 PM 1242 Views
Re: So has no one really read it yet or - 17/10/2009 01:51:04 PM 1182 Views
Well, spoilers obviously... - 17/09/2009 06:59:01 AM 1599 Views
Maybe it was Demandred. - 17/09/2009 07:01:53 AM 1280 Views
I think it was Lanfear - 18/09/2009 01:31:33 PM 1306 Views
Hmmm...... that does sound like something she would do. *NM* - 18/09/2009 01:53:34 PM 621 Views
Re: Well, spoilers obviously... - 17/09/2009 07:02:34 AM 1375 Views
Re: Well, spoilers obviously... - 17/09/2009 07:09:10 AM 1280 Views
Demandred - 17/09/2009 08:57:11 PM 1254 Views
Re: Demandred - 17/09/2009 09:00:31 PM 1262 Views
I don't think Shara is an option - 17/09/2009 09:10:49 PM 1212 Views
Faile and Moridin biggest points of interest - 17/09/2009 07:16:10 AM 1379 Views
Re: Faile and Moridin biggest points of interest - 17/09/2009 07:23:15 AM 1326 Views
Re: Faile and Moridin biggest points of interest - 17/09/2009 07:30:46 AM 1413 Views
Re: Faile and Moridin biggest points of interest - 17/09/2009 07:37:36 AM 1204 Views
Cruel and shady? - 17/09/2009 07:24:34 AM 1314 Views
I agree. - 18/09/2009 06:29:07 AM 1212 Views
Re: I agree. - 18/09/2009 07:18:22 AM 1137 Views
Oh Honey, - 18/09/2009 07:37:53 AM 957 Views
Lol - 18/09/2009 08:05:28 AM 971 Views
- 18/09/2009 05:39:53 PM 1103 Views
Any idea who in Rand's group leaked the Semi capture, old Dark Friend or new? *NM* - 17/09/2009 07:32:22 AM 695 Views
Elza? *NM* - 18/09/2009 09:45:38 PM 737 Views
This is the only time I have ever liked Faile. Atta girl! *NM* - 17/09/2009 09:20:58 PM 660 Views
Was it just me..... - 17/09/2009 07:17:34 AM 1332 Views
B I'd guess - 17/09/2009 07:24:05 AM 1163 Views
A few thoughts - 17/09/2009 07:31:05 AM 1315 Views
Re: A few thoughts - 17/09/2009 07:53:41 AM 1334 Views
There are only two options - 17/09/2009 09:29:28 AM 1195 Views
Demmy - 17/09/2009 08:24:44 PM 1263 Views
Re: A few thoughts - 17/09/2009 07:09:52 PM 1130 Views
Re: A few thoughts - 18/09/2009 06:31:29 AM 972 Views
Re: A few thoughts - 17/09/2009 07:41:24 PM 1134 Views
That's what first came to mind - 17/10/2009 02:30:12 PM 1326 Views
Help - can't find, need link - 17/09/2009 07:47:14 AM 1084 Views
It was Brilliant. A review. (Horrible spoilers and some quotes!) - 17/09/2009 08:02:15 AM 1407 Views
Re: It was Brilliant. A review. (Horrible spoilers and some quotes!) - 17/09/2009 08:13:07 AM 1012 Views
Ummm... why? - 17/09/2009 08:17:59 AM 1251 Views
Didn't mean in this book, I meant before series end *NM* - 17/09/2009 08:26:34 AM 734 Views
I think Min gets toasted - 17/09/2009 09:34:35 AM 1096 Views
That will happen regardless - 17/09/2009 08:47:51 PM 1032 Views
Doubt it - 18/09/2009 02:15:57 PM 979 Views
Ahhh. - 18/09/2009 05:45:27 PM 1075 Views
What about Tam? *NM* - 18/09/2009 05:59:38 PM 690 Views
Tam! never thought of him....excellent choice. *NM* - 18/09/2009 06:05:22 PM 535 Views
Thanks. - 18/09/2009 06:06:34 PM 1079 Views
And right before she dies - 18/09/2009 09:09:45 PM 1011 Views
Ash'aman?! - 17/09/2009 03:51:09 PM 1162 Views
Moridin's servants are usually Zomoran. - 17/09/2009 04:22:16 PM 1429 Views
But maybe not here... maybe - 17/09/2009 04:30:40 PM 1189 Views
The logistics make it impossible... - 17/09/2009 04:36:27 PM 1281 Views
It's not impossible, or even unlikely - 17/09/2009 04:52:43 PM 1097 Views
I think it is... - 17/09/2009 06:34:04 PM 1099 Views
Agreed - 17/09/2009 04:28:27 PM 1213 Views
Re: Agreed - 17/09/2009 05:09:45 PM 1139 Views
Re: Agreed - 23/09/2009 01:16:35 AM 1115 Views
Oh my gosh, I never thought of that... - 18/09/2009 07:22:53 AM 1243 Views
Some major questions (The prologue has really got me psyched) - 17/09/2009 08:27:29 AM 1443 Views
Re: Some major questions (The prologue has really got me psyched) - 18/09/2009 03:04:40 AM 1281 Views
I wondered about Elza too - 23/09/2009 01:24:43 AM 1006 Views
I, for one, thoroughly enjoyed it - 17/09/2009 02:02:05 PM 1007 Views
Demandred, Moridin, or Lanfear? *spoilers* - 17/09/2009 03:31:41 PM 1435 Views
Forsaken chapter analysis - 17/09/2009 04:19:07 PM 1287 Views
Was it Brandon? - 17/09/2009 04:31:07 PM 1176 Views
- 17/09/2009 04:41:28 PM 1107 Views
Mesaana is definitely an Aes Sedai. - 17/09/2009 06:19:56 PM 1381 Views
About OP strength - 18/09/2009 09:28:45 PM 1115 Views
Re: About OP strength - 19/09/2009 01:20:32 PM 917 Views
I actually think the evidence points to Graendal being weaker. - 18/09/2009 03:39:09 PM 1144 Views
Rand vs. Graendal? - 23/09/2009 01:41:02 AM 1015 Views
Thulin is my new fav - 17/09/2009 04:23:08 PM 1260 Views
Don't forget "lighter than a feather." *NM* - 17/09/2009 04:37:04 PM 720 Views
Go Thulin!! *NM* - 18/09/2009 06:55:20 AM 773 Views
Shara in Tarmon Gaidon and Darkfriend army - 17/09/2009 04:33:23 PM 1357 Views
Re: Shara in Tarmon Gaidon and Darkfriend army - 17/09/2009 08:51:15 PM 1182 Views
It seems more and more possiable - 18/09/2009 12:41:19 AM 1057 Views
Random thoughts - 17/09/2009 06:19:53 PM 1063 Views
Thoughts on Graendal's POV - 17/09/2009 07:31:04 PM 1138 Views
Re: Thoughts on Graendal's POV - 17/09/2009 08:06:54 PM 1042 Views
Bulgakov? *NM* - 17/09/2009 09:19:14 PM 786 Views
Re: Thoughts on Graendal's POV - 18/09/2009 03:31:57 AM 1052 Views
very happy with the prologue - 17/09/2009 09:46:20 PM 1166 Views
I gorged on it way too fast, when I should have savored it... - 17/09/2009 10:18:08 PM 1054 Views
Loved it. Especially the first part with the blacksmith.. - 17/09/2009 11:52:59 PM 980 Views
Completely enjoyed it. (Obviously spoilers) - 18/09/2009 01:01:54 AM 1158 Views
Tylee - 18/09/2009 05:51:18 AM 1157 Views
That was my hope. - 18/09/2009 06:35:41 AM 1038 Views
Re: That was my hope. - 18/09/2009 08:12:02 AM 1123 Views
Re: That was my hope. - 18/09/2009 09:41:40 PM 1075 Views
Thought on Mesaana - 18/09/2009 01:13:48 AM 1121 Views
I wouldn't think it would be feasible. - 18/09/2009 02:59:26 AM 1042 Views
Still, the white does perhaps mean something - 18/09/2009 07:23:58 AM 1074 Views
Trollocs attack on the Seanchan - 18/09/2009 03:18:57 AM 1819 Views
Re: Trollocs attack on the Seanchan - 18/09/2009 04:50:44 AM 1223 Views
Trollocs Scouting party? - 18/09/2009 08:56:16 AM 1194 Views
Seems Demandred is the one doctoring Masema's mind - 18/09/2009 12:27:50 PM 1284 Views
Forsaken Chapter - 18/09/2009 10:42:33 PM 1143 Views
Okay. I've been out of the loop for months, sadly. - 25/09/2009 05:24:34 PM 1107 Views

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