Active Users:1355 Time:19/12/2024 10:10:58 AM
Less than 10 years or no, that's still about four books worth of story moratcorlm Send a noteboard - 07/12/2010 07:24:18 PM
particularly since Demandred isn't going to be the main villain of AMOL.

Second point, relating to your earlier post in this thread, is that it seems quite unlikely Demandred was Taim's teacher. Demandred has been out for less than two years, and Taim was already proclaiming himself the Dragon in EOTW (if, as is likely, that's what the rumors mean; he's known by the beginning of TGH at the latest). There wasn't a great deal of time between his disappearance and reappearance, possibly enough for a One Power crash course but not extensive training plus a Forsaken lieutenancy certification. If he's had a master, it was Ishamael.

Also, there is no Waygate in Tear; it's out on the Plains of Maredo. Small distinction given that Tear seems to have no walls and the Stone is obviously vulnerable to channeling-based attacks, but there'd be a difference in tactics.
Provisional calendar for Towers of Midnight:
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TOM - Black Tower theory - 15/11/2010 09:17:00 PM 1653 Views
The new guy - 15/11/2010 09:35:49 PM 925 Views
Re: TOM - Black Tower theory - 15/11/2010 10:07:22 PM 1010 Views
I don't think he ever shows up there... - 15/11/2010 10:08:07 PM 1152 Views
Belgariad strategy - 15/11/2010 10:39:07 PM 1274 Views
Re: Belgariad strategy - 16/11/2010 01:15:19 AM 884 Views
Re: Belgariad strategy - 17/11/2010 12:47:18 AM 729 Views
A couple of points - 17/11/2010 01:16:30 PM 724 Views
Less than 10 years or no, that's still about four books worth of story - 07/12/2010 07:24:18 PM 595 Views
does Linda Sedai still think Taim = Moridin? *NM* - 16/11/2010 02:58:03 PM 427 Views
Re: TOM - Black Tower theory - 17/11/2010 07:52:33 PM 585 Views
Re: TOM - Black Tower theory *NM* - 17/11/2010 08:12:12 PM 308 Views
Re: TOM - Black Tower theory - 17/11/2010 10:51:37 PM 600 Views
Was. - 17/11/2010 11:35:07 PM 659 Views
Re: TOM - Black Tower theory - 02/12/2010 11:18:14 AM 566 Views
Seems obvious to me that he's behind the Shadow Aiel *NM* - 27/11/2010 12:37:04 AM 303 Views

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