Active Users:616 Time:06/07/2024 07:10:36 AM
One needs no fortelling for such insight LadyLorraine Send a noteboard - 06/12/2010 09:27:44 PM
Any horse as adorable yet magnificent as Bela should have entire nations hugging each other will all the positive squee she exudes!
Still Empress of the Poofy Purple Pillow Pile Palace!!
Continued Love of my Aussie <3
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The Importance of Bela - 06/12/2010 04:17:28 PM 1167 Views
Yes, that must be it *NM* - 06/12/2010 04:19:33 PM 351 Views
I'm still convinced that Bela will be CRUCIAL to the LB - 06/12/2010 04:21:50 PM 673 Views
What does WoT need? More Bela? *NM* - 06/12/2010 05:31:28 PM 442 Views
Perhaps Alivia is riding Bela? - 06/12/2010 06:15:55 PM 675 Views
Is it any conincidence - 06/12/2010 06:30:53 PM 800 Views
You may be onto something. Maybe Bela will be instrumental in repairing their relationship *NM* - 06/12/2010 06:34:47 PM 311 Views
Bela will canter into the Field of Merrilor & there will be peace between Dragon Reborn and Amyrlin. - 06/12/2010 07:58:32 PM 741 Views
One needs no fortelling for such insight - 06/12/2010 09:27:44 PM 651 Views
Actually there are 3 official riders of Bela. Rand, Egwene and then Siuan... If you can really - 07/12/2010 04:00:25 AM 674 Views
The favor of Bela had Siuan miraculously healed of the unhealable, - 07/12/2010 06:52:00 AM 700 Views
Bela giveth and Bela taketh away - 07/12/2010 09:48:24 AM 793 Views
if Bela could channel... - 06/12/2010 11:29:50 PM 596 Views
Technically, a'dams are the ultimate bespoke accessory - 07/12/2010 03:21:54 AM 712 Views
One-size-fits-all is the opposite of bespoke - 07/12/2010 12:07:29 PM 561 Views
* *NM* - 07/12/2010 12:07:29 PM 292 Views
* *NM* - 07/12/2010 12:07:54 PM 272 Views
Hey, that's right! Where the hell is Alivia? *NM* - 07/12/2010 04:16:17 AM 320 Views
Clearly, Bela is being ridden by Logain. *NM* - 07/12/2010 09:49:01 AM 315 Views
What a lovable horse, of course. - 07/12/2010 11:20:09 AM 572 Views
Rand will form a circle with Narg and Bela to use Callandor - 07/12/2010 11:28:29 AM 582 Views
Like Demandred - 07/12/2010 01:44:24 PM 677 Views

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