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Re: There's another way she could have avoided it Watcher Send a noteboard - 06/12/2010 01:43:45 PM
Firstly I don't think that the oaths make a promise binding. What they do is to make sure that when the promice is being made the Aes Sedai making it believes she will keep the promice. She can always change her mind.

Seconldy you seem to be suggesting Redqueen that Elaida should take one for the team and sacrafice herself to keep traveling out of the hands of the Seanchan and if possible take out a few of them with her. With another Aes Sedai that would be quite reasonable but in Elaida's eyes she is the team. What is good for her is good for the Tower.

Lastly I doubt if Elaida is fully broken yet, her outburst certainly suggest that she has a bit to go but Elaida is the very epitamy of hard versus strong. Elaida is hard and hence very fragile as opposed to strong. Take away all her authority, put her in a position where even the lowest servant does not give a damn about her opinion on anything and I could see her starting to crack very easily.
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Elaida, oh no you didn't! - 04/12/2010 06:38:22 AM 1947 Views
The weave will not directly result in death - 04/12/2010 06:54:20 AM 862 Views
Re: The weave will not directly result in death - 04/12/2010 07:08:50 AM 777 Views
Wrong for two reasons - 04/12/2010 09:10:03 AM 935 Views
Only two? Usually he's wrong for eight reasons. *NM* - 04/12/2010 09:47:37 AM 419 Views
Go jump in a lake - 05/12/2010 08:32:18 AM 664 Views
I wanted to be polite and mentioned just the major ones *NM* - 05/12/2010 10:44:25 AM 382 Views
Thank you, Voscaia Sedai *NM* - 04/12/2010 08:51:58 PM 331 Views
Re: Wrong for two reasons - 05/12/2010 08:39:02 AM 685 Views
you're forgetting she was collared. - 05/12/2010 09:01:27 AM 572 Views
Re: you're forgetting she was collared. - 05/12/2010 09:08:30 AM 659 Views
uhm, no that's not all you're saying. - 05/12/2010 09:14:47 AM 662 Views
Yeah I am - 05/12/2010 09:17:48 AM 591 Views
no. dude i gave you a direct quote from your own statement. that is not what you said - 05/12/2010 09:20:14 AM 728 Views
Go dude yourself brother. - 05/12/2010 09:27:33 AM 586 Views
wow i - 05/12/2010 09:33:41 AM 674 Views
Re: wow i - 05/12/2010 09:45:47 AM 665 Views
yes well you genuinely seem to be having a problem comprehending your own statements. - 05/12/2010 09:51:18 AM 545 Views
Well you genuinely seem to be retarded. - 05/12/2010 09:59:19 AM 592 Views
I judge this based off your own reactions to other's statements - 05/12/2010 10:05:58 AM 693 Views
I judge you based on your own statements towards me - 05/12/2010 10:16:18 AM 624 Views
if all you did was disagree with me, we would not be having this discussion. - 05/12/2010 10:25:36 AM 534 Views
This is why I replied the way I did *NM* - 05/12/2010 10:51:54 AM 296 Views
go read the boooks more closely - 05/12/2010 02:34:11 PM 964 Views
Plain wrong. The weave doesn't kill in itself. - 04/12/2010 02:34:00 PM 762 Views
Wrong - 05/12/2010 08:40:40 AM 591 Views
This - 04/12/2010 12:35:04 PM 611 Views
Seconded "This"^ *NM* - 04/12/2010 07:09:17 PM 281 Views
Thirded "This"^ *NM* - 05/12/2010 10:47:56 AM 337 Views
Re: Fourthed "This"^ *NM* - 05/12/2010 08:08:15 PM 292 Views
yep, he was just trolling I guess *NM* - 05/12/2010 01:58:32 PM 290 Views
the oath is very literal and does not forbid indirectly causing death - 04/12/2010 02:55:13 PM 601 Views
Re: the oath is very literal and does not forbid indirectly causing death - 05/12/2010 08:43:48 AM 684 Views
just because they didn't want to doesn't mean they weren't able. - 05/12/2010 09:07:08 AM 631 Views
Re: just because they didn't want to doesn't mean they weren't able. - 05/12/2010 09:11:28 AM 639 Views
well that would explain how santa is able to make his rounds in one night! *NM* - 05/12/2010 09:13:43 AM 245 Views
Yup, I guess that was what Elaida was thinking *NM* - 05/12/2010 09:15:21 AM 298 Views
It's actually come up in the books themselves - 04/12/2010 03:00:03 PM 736 Views
Re: Elaida, oh no you didn't! - 04/12/2010 03:30:57 PM 640 Views
Elaida could teach them balefire and not break the Oaths. *NM* - 04/12/2010 07:24:55 PM 279 Views
Re: Elaida, oh no you didn't! - 05/12/2010 08:32:50 AM 769 Views
There's another way she could have avoided it - 05/12/2010 11:37:09 AM 586 Views
Re: There's another way she could have avoided it - 05/12/2010 01:51:06 PM 941 Views
Re: There's another way she could have avoided it - 06/12/2010 01:43:45 PM 577 Views
I disagree - 06/12/2010 02:29:46 PM 613 Views

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