Active Users:305 Time:29/09/2024 04:00:37 AM
And, as always there is the very simple fact that if you might need fighters, Aiel friends are good Cannoli Send a noteboard - 16/09/2009 01:25:11 AM
With keeping Mayene free being always foremost on her mind, good relations with the Aiel might be a useful counterweight to hold over any Tairens who might want to annex Mayene. The fifth from Godan would no doubt be a nice haul and put paid to any serious campaign, naval or overland, aimed at Mayene. In addition, it could be as simple as a requisite part of the job Rand gave her. With so many Aiel in-country, and near the city, and with their archenemies being the number one threat to the city she is administering, having good relations with the Aiel, which, for all intents and purposes means the Wise Ones, is only common sense. The refusal of various wetlander officials to do so is usually presented as evidence of the shortcomings of said wetlanders. While I don't dispute your analysis of the particulars of their relationships (and the "good-guy" Aiel who are generally portrayed as morally admirable having a similar approach to the inter-relationship of sex & power as a woman reviled [unfairly, IMO] by some of the main characters for that same outlook is also interesting), IMO, it is a case of Occam's Razor. There is a very good reason for her to play nice with the Aiel, she is not the sort to let cultural differences impede her relations (take that term however you will), and they have good reasons for accomodating her. Egwene might think the Aiel scoff at wetlander authority, but they are VERY interested in Rand and his relationships with people, so anyone he unilaterally appoints to an important post, who follows him from Mayene to Cairhien, is definitely going to be a person of interest to the Wise Ones. Finally, from the PoV of the Maidens of the Spear, who have their connections with the Wise Ones through Amys and others like her, a thorough report of Rand's doings in the Stone of Tear will reveal that Berelain and Elayne are their two primary contenders/obstacles to their plans to get Aviendha married to him. Aviendha's subsequently seen good relations with Berelain are also suggestive, IMO, of either or both of our perceptions of the issue.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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What's goig on beteen Berelin and the Wise one in LOC - 15/09/2009 12:56:33 PM 848 Views
Re: What's goig on beteen Berelin and the Wise one in LOC - 15/09/2009 02:09:22 PM 572 Views
As far as I know, it's never been explained properly. - 15/09/2009 04:08:42 PM 525 Views
Juilin mentions worrying about Amathera in TFoH. - 15/09/2009 04:18:06 PM 560 Views
Re: What's goig on beteen Berelin and the Wise one in LOC - 15/09/2009 05:01:00 PM 653 Views
And, as always there is the very simple fact that if you might need fighters, Aiel friends are good - 16/09/2009 01:25:11 AM 473 Views
Re: What's goig on beteen Berelin and the Wise one in LOC - 18/09/2009 02:24:11 AM 535 Views

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