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My thoughts Sidious Send a noteboard - 30/11/2010 05:09:18 PM
Mine were:

1. Ituralde getting blind-sided by the Draghar attack. The Shadowspawn March on Maradon was intimidating to say the least, especially the fact that we know they have channelers hidden, waiting for something. This was the scariest moment the Shadow has had for a long, long time.

2. Perrin fighting Slayer and the BA with every edge he has (blocking Balefire FTW) and still losing... he got the Dreamspike, but it still felt a lot like Star Wars: A New Hope where Obi Wan (Hopper) dies to let Luke (Perrin) get away with the Princess (Dreamspike). One of the better fight scenes in the series.

3. Yoeli riding out to save Ituralde.

4. Rand's MoA in Chapter 2 ("Apples";). I literally got the shivers when he said "I can hold him off, for a time". Something about that scene was epic.

5. Revealing the Shadow Aiel at the end. We know how deadly Trollocs are - these guys seem to be a full order of magnitude worse. There's also reason to believe that they might have channelers amongst them - corrupted Wise Ones, and/or male Aiel channelers who get sent to the Blight when their ability is discovered. This army is potentially the most powerful in Randland right now.

Close contenders:

* Nynaeve's testing. Intense.
* Rand's smackdown of Cadsuane (loved the "Rand Sedai" comment).
* Perrin seeing Rand in T'A'R. Epic.

I think the book was brought down a bit by the continuity errors, and I'm sure the strange structure threw a lot of readers. My personal opinion is that the structure was fine, and that those who complained should try reading Catch 22 and then see if they think TGS/ToM is disjointed. :P

Oh, and Graendal was lacklustre, but I'm starting to wonder if that was intentional. Each time we see a FS have a potential (evil) moment of awesome, we are quickly reminded that they are human. Funnily enough, we get the same reminder pretty often with Lightsiders. It might kill the excitement for some, but to me it makes the series a bit more believable, if anything. There's a certain tragicomic element to the idea of Graendal surviving the near-certain death of Natrin's Barrow, only to be Mind-Trapped by Moridin. Out of the frying pan, into the fire, as they say.

The moments that have sent shivers down my spine over the course of the series included (from memory and not directly from the books):

"It was Sammael. He used the same strategy to bait me once at Sarendahar"... After a long silence Asmodean replied: "I never knew that."

" I remember when Sammael was first named Destroyer of Hope. When he betrayed the Gates of Hevan and lead the Shadow into the heart of Satelle. Culan Cuhan wept that day...What is wrong?" Asmodean's face had gone ash white and he only shook his head mutely.

"Demandred, when he came for me after forming the 80 and 1..."

The bits where Lews Therin's experiences with the Forsaken slip through almost unintentionally - particularly the generals who were his direct adversaries in the War of Power - those are always very dramatic and striking to me.

When I read that section on Telaron, I thought it was probably a scene like where Rahvin attacks Rand and his friends all die, and he personally took it upon himself to accept the blame i.e. 'if only I was faster to form a barrier'.

Demandred probably sent something nasty after LTT and he only deflected it at the last moment, and the attack killed her. Lews Therin never forgave his delay.
Wheel of Time board admin
Fan of Lanfear
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So, what were your top 5 ToM scenes? - 29/11/2010 02:59:19 AM 1969 Views
Re: So, what were your top 5 ToM scenes? - 29/11/2010 04:10:14 AM 910 Views
I cracked up... - 29/11/2010 07:31:44 AM 868 Views
It wasn't stupid at all. - 29/11/2010 07:39:14 AM 801 Views
Re: It wasn't stupid at all. - 29/11/2010 10:17:14 AM 762 Views
So blindly voting is not stupid? - 29/11/2010 08:22:50 PM 603 Views
Re: So blindly voting is not stupid? - 29/11/2010 11:21:26 PM 629 Views
Agreed - 30/11/2010 02:13:42 PM 568 Views
My top 5 - 30/11/2010 02:04:59 PM 686 Views
How did Tarasin Telaron die. (Or whatever her name was). - 30/11/2010 04:48:43 PM 752 Views
My thoughts - 30/11/2010 05:09:18 PM 820 Views
Re: So, what were your top 5 ToM scenes? - 01/12/2010 12:02:55 AM 948 Views
Re: So, what were your top 5 ToM scenes? - 02/12/2010 05:16:49 PM 750 Views

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