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Not completely true Skeeve the Great Send a noteboard - 15/11/2010 07:48:15 PM
The rotting is part of the Dark One's touch. Corruption, death, and so on. Rand, as the champion of the Creator represents life. The food in the sacks didn't spoil when they were opened, they were always rotten. The food in the other sacks didn't "unspoil" from Rand's presence, they were always good. Of course the outcome depends on Rand's state and presence, but he doesn't turn bad food into good, that would be unnatural. The state of the food cannot be known until the sacks are opened, Rand's presence simply did what his presence has done since the beginning of the series, since The Dragon Reborn, at least: cause an extremely unlikely outcome to be true. Only now, thanks to his position as Light's champion, that result is one that favours life.

This only works because the state of the food was theoretically unknown, so while it was rational of Iralin to suspect that the sacks not opened would be rotten as well, he didn't know. Rand could not have caused an impossible scenario to be true, only a highly implausible one.

I agree with the premise that we didn't know the state of the food and thus it can be anything. But I don't think law of uncertainty was implied here. It would be quite frankly ridiculous.

On the other hand, we first hand saw as Rand changed the food – apples in the Prologue. They had fallen, were small and started to rot. Rand let them rot, but grew new ones. Basically it’s very similar to what Perrin did in TAR when he willed the grass to be green and surroundings “to smell” right.

I think it’s closely related to “belief and order” thing. In case of grain for Rand, and in case of grass in TAR for Perrin, they both willed their belief of correct order into existence and their surroundings.

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Rand, new and improved. - 12/11/2010 03:53:38 AM 2124 Views
Re: Rand, new and improved. - 12/11/2010 04:14:17 AM 1088 Views
Schrödinger's grain Best nerdy comment ever *NM* - 12/11/2010 02:29:27 PM 380 Views
*NM* - 12/11/2010 05:34:41 PM 351 Views
Taking ta'veren to the next level, basically. - 12/11/2010 07:19:10 PM 4081 Views
Re: Rand, new and improved. - 14/11/2010 08:30:10 AM 888 Views
But Rand didn't change what they were. - 14/11/2010 06:31:50 PM 743 Views
If no one is around, and a tree falls in a forest.... - 15/11/2010 07:22:41 PM 614 Views
It's called quantum mechanics in the "real world". - 15/11/2010 07:40:52 PM 609 Views
Yep. - 16/11/2010 12:59:42 AM 623 Views
Not completely true - 15/11/2010 07:48:15 PM 775 Views
Re: Not completely true - 15/11/2010 08:40:14 PM 868 Views
Re: Rand, new and improved. - 13/11/2010 03:51:02 PM 1014 Views
Re: Rand, new and improved. - 14/11/2010 08:21:14 AM 691 Views
Good summary - 13/11/2010 08:52:23 PM 777 Views
Lady Torkumen jumped out a WINDOW, y'know. - 14/11/2010 12:31:50 AM 794 Views
Re: Lady Torkumen jumped out a WINDOW, y'know. - 14/11/2010 08:10:01 AM 943 Views
Ah, gotcha, thanks and sorry. - 14/11/2010 03:28:51 PM 793 Views

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