Active Users:724 Time:11/03/2025 05:13:56 AM
Ah, gotcha, thanks and sorry. Joel Send a noteboard - 14/11/2010 03:28:51 PM
I tend to agree with most of your assessment, but did I miss some statement that they were unable to see Rand leveling the Shadowspawn army? Very possible, since I was moving overseas two days after I read the book and hadn't packed a thing yet. :P


"What is he talking about?" one of Bashere's men said. "A light? Surely he couldn't have seen the battle. None of these windows face the right way."

So basically, whatever light it is that those darkfriends saw, it was something more "spiritual" that they saw/experienced even through solid walls.

Reckon you must be right then. It's certainly consistent with the other scenes you listed. Unless Rand was SO bright he shone through the walls, but, once again, that still doesn't explain the Tairen High Lords (seriously, he was SURPRISED Weiramon was a Darkfriend? Wasn't LTT supposed to be smart or something...? :P)
I think it's possible that Rand is being healed of the madness since his epiphany, but it's definitely still there for now or Nynaeve wouldn't see that huge black cloud, whatever lay beneath it. He's just "functionally insane", as he was before (and had to be), with the added benefit of having made a kind of peace with his destiny, formed a plan of attack and, most importantly, found some real sustaining HOPE. That was as essential to the Last Battle as the Dragon himself, because so long as he ached for not only death but ANNIHILATION he was ripe for the DOs intention to produce precisely that. As long as the Creator offered no more than an endless cycle of repeated torment while the DO offered a final release, Randland was in horrible danger from its own champion. That doesn't mean he's not still mad as a hatter, but he's no longer self destructive or (quite) as tortured.

I think the madness is definitely there, but the impression I got atleast from Nynaeves description was that the light was protecting Rand from the madness. Look at the way it is described that the in each place that the taints thorns go into Rand's brain, the light goes there too, coating the thorns.

Also, lets compare Naeff and Rand. Naeff is functionally insane, but sees Fades all around him and is convinced they are true, and cannot see that he is mad even if its pointed out to him. When Nynaeve heals him, she finds a spot of darkness and discovers the thorns. Now it is not made certain how many thorns there were in Naeff, but based on the description of how Nynaeve has to use weaves to keep the thorns from sticking back, I would say there were maybe a couple of dozen of them in Naeff.

In Rand however, the darkness of the taint covers his ENTIRE mind, and there are apparently several THOUSANDS of the dark thorns sticking into Rand's brain to the point that his brain is a virtual pincushion at this point. Now it does make sense that Rand would be so badly tainted ofcourse. Rand has channeled MUCH more of the tainted OP than Naeff thanks to his repeated uses of the angreal, Callandor and especially Choedan Kal (twice). Heck, during the cleansing he practically channeled all of the taint through himself into Shadar Logoth.

The problem is, if a small patch of the darkness and a couple dozen thorns in Naeff was enough that he was showing clear signs of madness, how is it possible that Rand, with thousands upon thousands of them, was able to maintain even the slightest control? With that much darkness in him, he should not have been functionally insane like he has been. He should have been utterly and completely insane with no understanding of reality at all. With that much taint, Rand post-cleansing should have been convinced he was actually a duck and been running around flapping his hands making clucking noises. And yet, he was not. Heck, as Verin says, most of his madness is more psychological due to immense pressure brought on by his status.

That is why I speculate that the light has always been there, shielding and protecting Rand. The only reason we now see it is because Nynaeve was not skilled enough in delving to detect it before now.

I figure Rand's usage of TP and the darkness he sank into in his attempts to become Cuendillar caused this light to grow weaker, allowing more and more of the taint to reach Rand. Moridin and the Dark One could be aware of this, which is the reason Moridin is giving orders to cause Rand mental pain, because he knows that the worse Rand gets, the weaker the light in Rand's brain gets, and the more the DO's taint is able to influence him.

Moridin and Rand are linked, and will eventually merge. I figure that the more the taint reaches Rand, the weaker his side of the link becomes, and the more control Moridin is able to exert on Rand. We saw this especially in tGS when the more Rand fell into madness and darkness, the more he seemed to mirror Moridin in his philosophy about how it is all meaningless. The sickness in Rand also become worse and worse the darker Rand become, another sign perhaps that he was losing the merging-contest.

Now, after Rand had his epiphany however, the light in Rand's brain has received a massive boost in power, it is once more able to counter all of the taint and cover all of the thorns, and this is why Rand has regained his full sanity now. The sickness he used to suffer from channeling is also gone according to Min. The light-shield in his mind is apparently able to protect Rand from that effect of the Moridin-link too, now that the shield is fully charged.

That is my idea anyway.

You may be right again, in fact, it's probable, but my own take is that it's (too borrow FTs metaphor) Schrödingers Madness: He's nutty as a fruitcake, but the Pattern won't allow any of that madness to take a form that will compromise his destiny to face the DO a Tarmon Gaidon. Which just means it has to make up the difference elsewhere.... (8
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
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LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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Rand, new and improved. - 12/11/2010 03:53:38 AM 2124 Views
Re: Rand, new and improved. - 12/11/2010 04:14:17 AM 1088 Views
Schrödinger's grain Best nerdy comment ever *NM* - 12/11/2010 02:29:27 PM 380 Views
*NM* - 12/11/2010 05:34:41 PM 351 Views
Taking ta'veren to the next level, basically. - 12/11/2010 07:19:10 PM 4081 Views
Re: Rand, new and improved. - 14/11/2010 08:30:10 AM 888 Views
But Rand didn't change what they were. - 14/11/2010 06:31:50 PM 743 Views
If no one is around, and a tree falls in a forest.... - 15/11/2010 07:22:41 PM 614 Views
It's called quantum mechanics in the "real world". - 15/11/2010 07:40:52 PM 608 Views
Yep. - 16/11/2010 12:59:42 AM 623 Views
Not completely true - 15/11/2010 07:48:15 PM 774 Views
Re: Not completely true - 15/11/2010 08:40:14 PM 868 Views
Re: Rand, new and improved. - 13/11/2010 03:51:02 PM 1014 Views
Re: Rand, new and improved. - 14/11/2010 08:21:14 AM 691 Views
Good summary - 13/11/2010 08:52:23 PM 777 Views
Lady Torkumen jumped out a WINDOW, y'know. - 14/11/2010 12:31:50 AM 794 Views
Re: Lady Torkumen jumped out a WINDOW, y'know. - 14/11/2010 08:10:01 AM 943 Views
Ah, gotcha, thanks and sorry. - 14/11/2010 03:28:51 PM 793 Views

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