Active Users:484 Time:19/12/2024 05:17:13 PM
Maybe you should ask Lews Therin... fionwe1987 Send a noteboard - 14/11/2010 05:46:24 AM
Which is bullcrap. How much more starvation and bubbles of evil and the rest can the world take?

Isn't that exactly Egwene's point? Even with three Seals active, the world is reeling. Remove them as well without a plan to immediately defeat the Drak One and you give the Dark One even more access to the world.

How many more people will have to die in random ways, how much hungier will they get? Sure, Egwene can order food from ta'veren-protected Caemlyn when she wants, but what about everyone else? The Dark One is still doing a number on the world and hurting humanity's capabilities bit by bit, and they are GOING to have to face him no matter how long they put off the day. All that will happen from then to now is the Light's own capabilities to fight back diminish.

That's retarded. At this very moment, there are three Seals, and the world is far more united than in a long time, there is no Black Sister manipulating events in Tar Valon, Camlyn has a queen who can command larger armies against the Shadow than ever before...

Sure this won't last forever. So yes, some plan has to be made to defeat the Dark One. But Rand doesn't know what. He still doesn't know the deal with Callandor. All he knows is that the last time he tried, he missed "something". He doesn't know what that something is. Yet, he went and told the Tower he plans to break the Seals. When Egwene asked him to stay and talk about his plans, he refused. So why shouldn't she be worried that he was doing something stupid? He doesn't even have a real plan which would make her think breaking the Seals is reasonable. All he has guiding him is the same "instinct" that caused the Breaking. And while male channelers going mad was an acceptable price in the AoL, when people had so much more capability to handle this kind of disaster, something of a similar magnitude would probably mean the end of the world now.

And all things being equal, who is Egwene to say she knows better than the Dragon Reborn?

Someone whose existence is being threatened if he's wrong, and has the ability to view possible futures, one of which tells her his path could spell disaster. Even if you think that isn't what her Dream means, she certainly does, and that is the prime motivator for her opposition.

She has been entirely focussed on her own quest for power! What has she done to help the rest of the world? How many nations has she liberated or fed or defended from invasion? Even if she is not at fault for her inattention, the fact remains that she is nothing more than a glorified CEO of an organization that has been diminishing in importance since the third book in this series, with little or no professional qualifications beyond a demonstrated ability to hold the job. It would be fine if all she wants to do is boss around Aes Sedai, but she has absolutely no business interfering in with the Dragon Reborn. The "Watcher of the Seals" knows jack-all about them or anything else related to the Dark One. Her growing up in the same village as the Dragon Reborn hardly qualfies her as any sort of competant individual, much less expert.

The exact same thing could be said of Rand till he had his unlooked for epiphany which granted him Lews Therin's memory. Nothing in the prophesies predicted that either. We don't even know what Egwene's role is, or what critical knowledge or ability of hers may be critical (or not). This is a little too early to start questioning why the hell a main character in the series is being allowed to be assertive.
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Egwene's stupid objection to Rand - 10/11/2010 03:19:44 PM 2531 Views
Re: Egwene's stupid objection to Rand - 10/11/2010 03:25:26 PM 1373 Views
Re: Egwene's stupid objection to Rand - 10/11/2010 03:29:43 PM 1195 Views
Re: Egwene's stupid objection to Rand - 10/11/2010 08:15:57 PM 1263 Views
Especially that she is gathering armies to convince/force Rand... - 10/11/2010 03:33:09 PM 1557 Views
You still believe in Terez's doomed theory? - 10/11/2010 03:48:08 PM 1253 Views
No, I never did. *NM* - 10/11/2010 03:52:14 PM 624 Views
Oh ok, a lot of people seemed passionate about defending it - 10/11/2010 04:09:51 PM 1073 Views
...armies already oathsworn to him - 11/11/2010 03:27:11 AM 1043 Views
Can anyone explain to me why she needs armies for this, anyway? - 10/11/2010 06:27:25 PM 1364 Views
Re: Egwene is being played - 10/11/2010 06:42:35 PM 1304 Views
Hah! I agree! - 10/11/2010 07:20:39 PM 1144 Views
So what - 10/11/2010 08:45:53 PM 1131 Views
Rand is the Dragon Reborn. That doesn't mean he's the savior of the world. - 10/11/2010 08:57:37 PM 1079 Views
No, he's the ONLY one who CAN save it. - 14/11/2010 12:20:39 AM 1113 Views
Totally - 11/11/2010 12:49:11 PM 962 Views
Re: Can anyone explain to me why she needs armies for this, anyway? - 12/11/2010 01:48:58 AM 1213 Views
I would find that unsatisfying and not quite logical - 12/11/2010 05:57:09 PM 1220 Views
Re: I would find that unsatisfying and not quite logical - 12/11/2010 08:01:58 PM 997 Views
That doesn’t actually invalidates my point - 13/11/2010 10:20:13 PM 993 Views
You just don't seem to understand... - 14/11/2010 12:32:06 AM 1020 Views
Her objection is based out of a fear borne of good reasoning - 10/11/2010 06:47:30 PM 1166 Views
Of course you'd say that. You just won't get past your prejudice in favor of her, can you? - 13/11/2010 03:01:08 AM 1053 Views
because Egwene has an incredibly important purpose - 13/11/2010 07:49:58 AM 1075 Views
Re: because Egwene has an incredibly important purpose - 13/11/2010 12:01:20 PM 1093 Views
Re: - 13/11/2010 02:50:22 PM 982 Views
Re: Re: - 13/11/2010 04:16:43 PM 1057 Views
Re: Re: - 13/11/2010 07:14:01 PM 944 Views
Re: Re: - 13/11/2010 07:25:35 PM 955 Views
"Wait, Rand! You have 2,394 more privates to hear from, and then the corporals...." Yeah. Great plan - 14/11/2010 12:17:44 AM 1027 Views
Re: - 14/11/2010 08:21:46 PM 915 Views
Maybe you should ask Lews Therin... - 14/11/2010 05:46:24 AM 1076 Views
It seems that way to us.... - 12/11/2010 07:14:42 PM 1061 Views
Lews Therin Telamon Reborn. - 14/11/2010 12:56:25 AM 971 Views
About that.... - 14/11/2010 09:25:02 PM 932 Views

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