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Robert Jordan and Brandon on Isam/Luc/Slayer CatherineSedai Send a noteboard - 23/10/2010 03:51:59 AM
or was he a DF? i'm sure it was gitara moroso who told him to go to the blight. so why then did he suddenly become a servant of the DO and bestowed kick ass abilitays? if he could channel it would explain a sudden turning, through 13 myddraal and channellers and it would also explain where some of his powers came from. and we know that channelling is genetic and his nephew (rand) can so you know...maybe

The Gathering Storm Book Tour, Books and Co., Dayton, OH 11 November 2009 - Tim Kington reporting

Q: Slayer made a gateway in Far Madding when he tried to kill Rand and Min. Does this mean he uses the True Power to make his gateways?
A: Slayer does not channel. His powers come from somewhere other than the Source. Slayer is not affected by the Guardian in much the same way that Perrin wouldn’t be.

RJ's blog 4 October 2005 "ONE MORE TIME"

Slayer just chooses who he will be when he steps into or out of Tel’aran’rhiod. The stepping in and out is part of the mechanism for his change. He couldn’t do it in the middle of a street, say, not without the stepping in or out. Which might be a little noticeable, since he would vanish from sight for a perceptible time.

DragonCon 4 September 2005 - Emma reporting

Frenzy: How can Slayer know that Rand is his nephew?
Jordan: The Shadow knows a lot about Rand. They know a lot about Perrin and Mat too - once they began to identify possibilities, they went hyper trying to get information because anything might be part of the key to controlling him.

A Crown of Swords book tour 24 August 1996, Vancouver - Lara Beaton reporting

Slayer: Can't channel. He has certain "gifts" granted to him by the Dark One, but can't channel either the One Power or the True Power.

If you want to know more go to:
I always say, if you must mount the gallows, give a jest to the crowd, a coin to the hangman, and make the drop with a smile on your lips. ~Birgitte
Theoryland WoT Info - Slayer
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could luc channel? - 23/10/2010 12:53:53 AM 1231 Views
Robert Jordan and Brandon on Isam/Luc/Slayer - 23/10/2010 03:51:59 AM 1562 Views
then he was a DF? - 24/10/2010 02:06:05 PM 640 Views
Yes, he is a Darkfriend, but... - 02/11/2010 05:04:46 AM 565 Views

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