First off, she was more than likely still in Finnland, or busy having her soul brought back by the DO and put into Cyndane's body.
Second, if she was out, then she she looked like Cyndane, and Asmodean wouldn't have recognized her, so the whole "You?" comment makes no sense.
As far as I'm concerned, it looks like Graendal with Slayer 2nd. However, Slayer is the Shadow's assassin (Joiya/Amico, tried to get Fain, tried to get Rand/Min), and we know from the interviews that the DO did NOT order his death. Coupled with the fact there was no body discovered and the fact that the DO's talk with Demandred implies a balefire use (he who betrays me dies the final death), though this isn't certain.
Of the Forsaken:
1. Granedal. Probably. Knew Rahvin was in Caemlyn and had been plotting with him. Knew about Asmo going over from Lanfear in the Lanfear/Rahvin/Sammael group. Motive a bit weak, but had opportunity.
2. Sammael. Doublful. Again, likely knew Rahvin's location and Asmo's defection. Motive suspect and not his style, but maybe he thought he couldn't afford to have Asmo teaching him if he did confront Rand. However, seems not to be his style (he liked to defend) and he seemed to not know Asmodaen's fate when talking to Graendal, but could have lied. However, with him dead now (per RJ), how do we get a reveal with him dead? Did he tell someone?
3. Mesaana. Possibly. Doesn't seem like her style. We know Moggy knew Rand was going after Rahvin that day (and his location), how she knew I have no idea, but did Mesaana? We know Moggy was talking with Graendal, and that Moggy was watching the meetings in T'A'R, and was watching Elayne/Nynaeve, so maybe she had her eye on Caemlyn or Cairhien? But how would Mesaana know? Not a T'A'R master like Moggy/Lanfear/Ishy.
4. Semirhage. Possibly. Same as Mesaana.
5. Osan'gar/Aginor. Almost certainly not. Again, we have no sign that anyone knew about him coming back (Lanfear's comment about nearly half the remaining Chosen in one place when she/Graenal/Sammy/Rahvin met. And if he wouldn't be recognized. And we don't know if he was back yet. And like Sammeal, he appears to be dead now, so how'd we get reveal? Though he could be brought back again.
6. Aran'gar/Balthamel. Almost certainly not. See above. Plus there is a reveal problem here as well.
7. Moridin/Ishy. Almost certainly not. See above.
8. Lanfear. No. Knew the location and had motive, but no opportunity (dead/in Finnland) and Asmo wouldn't have recognized Cyndane.
9. Moghedien. No. We know from Demandred's PoV starting LoC that she was meeting with Graendal, so could have known Rahvin's location (and thus that Asmo was with Rand if he went after Rahvin). But no opportunity. Nynaeve drugged her at the end of tFoH and she was on an adam leash after that.
10. Demandred. No. We know from his PoV in LoC he didn't know Asmodean's fate.
11. Rahvin. Impossible. Balefired.
12. Be'lal. Impossible. Balefired.
13. Slayer. Possible. RJ said all the Chosen knew Slayer, and vice versa. He has unique T'A'R abilities that could have gotten him there, and figured out info about the Lanfear/Rahvin plan. Could he have pulled the body into T'A'R with him and exited at another spot? Seems like it. His Luc persona would certainly know his way around Caemlyn. Still, he's the Shadow's assassin, and we know the DO didn't call for a hit.
14. Fain. Doubtful Asmo would know him, or vice versa.
A channeler would need to know traveling and balefire, and that rules just about everyone else out at that point.
Second, if she was out, then she she looked like Cyndane, and Asmodean wouldn't have recognized her, so the whole "You?" comment makes no sense.
As far as I'm concerned, it looks like Graendal with Slayer 2nd. However, Slayer is the Shadow's assassin (Joiya/Amico, tried to get Fain, tried to get Rand/Min), and we know from the interviews that the DO did NOT order his death. Coupled with the fact there was no body discovered and the fact that the DO's talk with Demandred implies a balefire use (he who betrays me dies the final death), though this isn't certain.
Of the Forsaken:
1. Granedal. Probably. Knew Rahvin was in Caemlyn and had been plotting with him. Knew about Asmo going over from Lanfear in the Lanfear/Rahvin/Sammael group. Motive a bit weak, but had opportunity.
2. Sammael. Doublful. Again, likely knew Rahvin's location and Asmo's defection. Motive suspect and not his style, but maybe he thought he couldn't afford to have Asmo teaching him if he did confront Rand. However, seems not to be his style (he liked to defend) and he seemed to not know Asmodaen's fate when talking to Graendal, but could have lied. However, with him dead now (per RJ), how do we get a reveal with him dead? Did he tell someone?
3. Mesaana. Possibly. Doesn't seem like her style. We know Moggy knew Rand was going after Rahvin that day (and his location), how she knew I have no idea, but did Mesaana? We know Moggy was talking with Graendal, and that Moggy was watching the meetings in T'A'R, and was watching Elayne/Nynaeve, so maybe she had her eye on Caemlyn or Cairhien? But how would Mesaana know? Not a T'A'R master like Moggy/Lanfear/Ishy.
4. Semirhage. Possibly. Same as Mesaana.
5. Osan'gar/Aginor. Almost certainly not. Again, we have no sign that anyone knew about him coming back (Lanfear's comment about nearly half the remaining Chosen in one place when she/Graenal/Sammy/Rahvin met. And if he wouldn't be recognized. And we don't know if he was back yet. And like Sammeal, he appears to be dead now, so how'd we get reveal? Though he could be brought back again.
6. Aran'gar/Balthamel. Almost certainly not. See above. Plus there is a reveal problem here as well.
7. Moridin/Ishy. Almost certainly not. See above.
8. Lanfear. No. Knew the location and had motive, but no opportunity (dead/in Finnland) and Asmo wouldn't have recognized Cyndane.
9. Moghedien. No. We know from Demandred's PoV starting LoC that she was meeting with Graendal, so could have known Rahvin's location (and thus that Asmo was with Rand if he went after Rahvin). But no opportunity. Nynaeve drugged her at the end of tFoH and she was on an adam leash after that.
10. Demandred. No. We know from his PoV in LoC he didn't know Asmodean's fate.
11. Rahvin. Impossible. Balefired.
12. Be'lal. Impossible. Balefired.
13. Slayer. Possible. RJ said all the Chosen knew Slayer, and vice versa. He has unique T'A'R abilities that could have gotten him there, and figured out info about the Lanfear/Rahvin plan. Could he have pulled the body into T'A'R with him and exited at another spot? Seems like it. His Luc persona would certainly know his way around Caemlyn. Still, he's the Shadow's assassin, and we know the DO didn't call for a hit.
14. Fain. Doubtful Asmo would know him, or vice versa.
A channeler would need to know traveling and balefire, and that rules just about everyone else out at that point.
Did Larry give away Asmo's killer? (possible spoilers)
19/10/2010 01:49:57 AM
Re: Did Larry give away Asmo's killer? (possible spoilers)
19/10/2010 02:23:03 AM
Lanfear could not have done it. Period.
19/10/2010 04:46:07 AM
Terrible logic (or lack thereof).
19/10/2010 04:53:03 AM
Wait about 1 more week until the spoilers leak out and you will know for sure
19/10/2010 04:09:53 AM
Since when have Moiraine and Lanfear theories been "outlandish"?
19/10/2010 04:47:56 AM
I think Lanfear is a poor choice
19/10/2010 05:09:31 AM
Granted, lack of motive was always a puzzle for me
19/10/2010 05:17:27 AM
She THINKS Asmodean betrayed her, though
20/10/2010 05:32:35 AM
Ummm... no.
20/10/2010 06:19:16 AM
Attack of opportunity...
20/10/2010 06:16:27 AM
Re: Did Larry give away Asmo's killer? (possible spoilers)
19/10/2010 05:04:44 AM
C'mon Sid!
19/10/2010 05:07:55 AM
Re: C'mon Sid!
19/10/2010 05:10:53 AM
correct and correct
19/10/2010 03:31:41 PM
And you're a moron who can't control his own board.
20/10/2010 01:36:01 PM
Re: And you're a moron who can't control his own board.
20/10/2010 01:48:47 PM
If you think that it's anything but in line with what Sidious started, then you're also a moron,
20/10/2010 02:38:50 PM
Re: If you think that it's anything but in line with what Sidious started, then you're also a moron,
20/10/2010 04:01:30 PM
Learn to read.
20/10/2010 05:41:48 PM
Re: Learn to read.
21/10/2010 06:28:26 PM
Ah, still a moron, I see.
21/10/2010 07:21:10 PM
19/10/2010 08:09:55 AM
Re: ....
19/10/2010 01:01:57 PM
word to all of this....especially the not expecting this bit. *NM*
19/10/2010 04:24:47 PM
The cheap character shots people are taking at Larry are pretty deplorable IMO.
19/10/2010 06:50:58 PM
I agree. Larry, like Jason and a bunch of other people, got his copy because of the work he does.
20/10/2010 05:41:02 AM
Re: The cheap character shots people are taking at Larry are pretty deplorable IMO.
20/10/2010 01:52:01 PM