Re: Not even I would attribute such a wretched attitude to Egwene
MissKoalaVB Send a noteboard - 16/10/2010 06:49:55 PM
I agree. Egwene really IS the Amyrlin seat and she knows that the world needs Rand to get to TG.
Unless the 'everyone not a red-shirt gets to live' changes, it's zero chance of happening, but Galad being forced to kill Gawyn to save Rand would be up there as one of the top moments of the series. Now that'd make a great the Dragon shall know the anger of the Amyrlin fulfillment. Egwene finds out Rand let Galad kill Gawyn and goes off her tree. When a man is so far in the wrong that his own brother kills him to defend his victim, his girlfriend who has never put out has ZERO business getting mad at said would-be victim.
Unless the 'everyone not a red-shirt gets to live' changes, it's zero chance of happening, but Galad being forced to kill Gawyn to save Rand would be up there as one of the top moments of the series. Now that'd make a great the Dragon shall know the anger of the Amyrlin fulfillment. Egwene finds out Rand let Galad kill Gawyn and goes off her tree.
Galad and Rand speculation.
16/10/2010 01:04:23 AM
Re: Galad and Rand speculation.
16/10/2010 02:13:06 AM
Not even I would attribute such a wretched attitude to Egwene
16/10/2010 01:10:02 PM
Re: Not even I would attribute such a wretched attitude to Egwene
16/10/2010 06:49:55 PM