Are you talking about when Alviarin passes Norine and Danelle in one of the middle books? (I need to chase that scene down, I guess.)
Yes. That's when Alviarin mentions Norine resents her because she thinks she should have been Keeper, not her.
Now that you mention it I remember it. I think I interpreted that thought as just how Alviarin thought about it and not the actual reason. I think Alviarin is likely to think that any form of 'hostility' is due to jealousy.
The KOD scene is a follow-up to this first encounter. Alviarin mentions the Whites are angry that she shamed them by being deposed, and Norine (the one who already resented her) even more.
I don't think the behavior fits Mesaana by ACOS. If she were Norine, she wouldn't go and attract Alviarin's attention by faking envy and hostility toward her. She'd do her best to ignore her, especially if her disguise is that of a White.
I don't think the behavior fits Mesaana by ACOS. If she were Norine, she wouldn't go and attract Alviarin's attention by faking envy and hostility toward her. She'd do her best to ignore her, especially if her disguise is that of a White.
The Forsaken hardly are as disciplined as they think they are. I would expect that Mesaana's humiliation in front of Alviarin would make her likely to spit venom even if it did risk her cover.
But basically, the fact Norine had notions that she should have been Keeper means she's somewhat prominent, and thus it's extremely unlikely a Forsaken could manage to take her place convincingly - at least not among her White peers, many of which know her for decades or more (friend of not, the Whites stay mostly in the Tower at all time).
You may be right. I suspect that we will have a much better idea in a little over a month.
Messana in the Tower
26/09/2010 05:02:53 PM
Since we have a POV from her I find it very unlikely. Not to mention Jesse would be hard to replace
26/09/2010 05:24:32 PM
I agree with your points...
26/09/2010 06:25:40 PM
26/09/2010 08:49:08 PM
Norine and Danelle are my two top candidates
26/09/2010 10:31:00 PM
Re: Norine and Danelle are my two top candidates
27/09/2010 02:20:27 AM
Norine was angry with Alviarin before the Mesaana clashed with Alviarin?
27/09/2010 04:53:14 AM
Not angry
27/09/2010 06:56:10 PM
Now that you mention it...
28/09/2010 05:29:25 AM