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Can we just have an Announcement that Demandred =/= Taim? *NM* BlackAdder Send a noteboard - 05/09/2010 06:15:00 PM
Any thoughts on this mysterious Forsaken?

I have always believed Demandred to be Taim. There are a few reasons for this, though I do not have the books in front of me to quote from I shall paraphrase as best as possible. In LoC we get our first real glimpse of Dem from his point of view, when he is visiting the Bore. Shortly thereafter we see him discussing events with graendal and (crap i forgot). We never learn what was said to Dem by the 'Great Lord' and I believe this to be intentional. In chapter 6 when first meeting with Rand as Mazrim Taim, Bashere, who has fought Taim numerous times and knows his manurisms and ways better than most, is at first skeptical that this is Taim. Though Taim makes light of that fact saying that he shaved due to the heat, I always got the impression that Bashere recognized the physical Taim, otherwise why all the anger, but did not think that Taim was acting as himself, whether from the way he walked or the way he was talking.

My next point comes at the end of the book LoC I believe, though I'm not possitive on this one, where Taim is seated on his thrown in the BT and states 'as the old saying goes ''let the lord of chaos rule'' This message was only given to Demandred, and if Taim were a new dreadlord, Demandred would certainly keep as much information from him as possible and only pass on orders.

Anyway, first post, I know I could fill out this theory with more speculation and quotes with time, but as I stated I do not have the books in front of me.

1. At the Cleansing Demandred fought Damer Flinn and did not recognize the man as an Asha'man ... and since Taim is the one who tested Flinn for the ability that makes it obvious

2. The author told us that as of KOD Taim's alter ego has not been seen "on screen" ... obviously Taim has had screen time.
This message last edited by BlackAdder on 05/09/2010 at 06:15:38 PM
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Character discussion 12 : Demandred - 12/08/2010 06:49:26 PM 1719 Views
I'm prepared to be disappointed. - 12/08/2010 07:36:35 PM 1024 Views
Well said. *NM* - 13/08/2010 02:23:05 PM 337 Views
Re: I'm prepared to be disappointed. - 17/08/2010 02:27:16 AM 790 Views
Re: I'm prepared to be disappointed. - 18/08/2010 07:07:44 AM 769 Views
A wasted character - 12/08/2010 07:41:13 PM 967 Views
Mordred connection - 13/08/2010 06:13:22 AM 1030 Views
I like your description. The hoes part. *NM* - 13/08/2010 09:33:41 AM 352 Views
Disappointment abounds - 13/08/2010 05:02:39 PM 1030 Views
With the Sea Folk - 14/08/2010 05:50:44 AM 974 Views
I think he's going to be exactly what we've been told - 14/08/2010 02:49:30 PM 868 Views
Re: I think he's going to be exactly what we've been told - 15/08/2010 09:43:59 PM 796 Views
Also possible, but since we know we've not seen his alter ego on screen - 17/08/2010 12:02:33 AM 838 Views
If he's supposed to do something surprising - 18/08/2010 04:04:58 PM 883 Views
Yes *NM* - 19/08/2010 03:58:46 AM 318 Views
I think Demandred is totally b to the aller baller - 25/08/2010 08:17:24 PM 785 Views
TGS really threw me for a loop, honestly - 26/08/2010 06:19:10 AM 838 Views
Shara would actually be a respectable holding - 26/08/2010 06:33:15 AM 755 Views
I'm still betting on the Sea Folk - 05/09/2010 01:26:48 AM 634 Views
I think Demandred has eliminated that possibilty from his comments in TGS - 05/09/2010 03:27:43 PM 653 Views
Re: Character discussion 12 : Demandred - 04/09/2010 12:14:57 AM 771 Views
2 things to debunk Demandred = Taim - 04/09/2010 01:17:36 AM 699 Views
Can we just have an Announcement that Demandred =/= Taim? *NM* - 05/09/2010 06:15:00 PM 618 Views
DEMANDRED IS NOT TAIM!! That work? *NM* - 06/09/2010 02:02:15 AM 316 Views

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