Active Users:427 Time:28/09/2024 04:49:08 AM
Are you kidding? darius_sedai Send a noteboard - 06/08/2010 11:49:42 PM

Yes and no. I am not saying that BT is unprotected, but at the same time they do NOT expect an attack like the Seanchan would do. The Asha'man do not know how to block gateways from opening, so the best the wards would do would be to warn them that someone is channeling saidar inside the tower.

They also do not expect an attack via traveling since they think the Seanchan don't have that. Aes Sedai do, but the oath against killing prevents the AS from performing an all out ambush attack like the one I am thinking off.

Here is a theoretical possibility:
Lets say the attack happens during the night as I originally suggested, there are likely guards, but most of the Asha'man are sleeping. Suddenly 25 gateways open all over the BT area. And out of each gateway two damane/sul'dam pairs run through and INSTANTLY start using the OP to throw fire and destruction at the best of their ability. What do you think would happen? I would say that a lot of people in BT would simply die before they even knew what was happening, while the rest would take a while to react and start fighting back, during which time even more would die.

BT might not fall from an attack like this, but they would likely take very heavy casualties. One might even say that the Black Tower would be rent in blood and fire. :) And would that not be basically what the Seanchan want? Unlike with the AS and WT, they don't want to capture the Asha'man, but rather to kill them all as quickly as possible.

The entire BT is constantly on Red Alert. These men are paranoid and being taught to be nothing but weapons. Traveling into the grounds without any clue what to expect would be suicidal to say the least. Oh sure a raid would kill off plenty of men, but there is no way the Seanchan actually come out ahead in a battle like this. Sure the BT would be rent in blood and fire, but likely Seanchan Blood and Asha'man Fire!
Domani Drag Queen in the White Tower ... Aran'gar watch out!
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The White Tower has all the tools to defeat the Senahcan... - 03/08/2010 10:32:03 PM 1461 Views
Re: The White Tower has all the tools to defeat the Senahcan... - 03/08/2010 10:53:38 PM 911 Views
Why not take an oath... - 04/08/2010 12:09:46 AM 780 Views
Re: Why not take an oath... - 04/08/2010 02:14:16 AM 692 Views
Perhaps they would die? - 04/08/2010 09:10:42 AM 922 Views
Re: Perhaps they would die? - 04/08/2010 01:43:02 PM 754 Views
Re: Perhaps they would die? - 04/08/2010 07:14:24 PM 641 Views
Re: Perhaps they would die? - 04/08/2010 07:44:10 PM 670 Views
Re: Perhaps they would die? - 05/08/2010 08:33:18 AM 622 Views
Re: Perhaps they would die? - 05/08/2010 01:15:47 PM 653 Views
Re: Perhaps they would die? - 05/08/2010 04:33:25 PM 704 Views
Re: Perhaps they would die? - 06/08/2010 12:02:16 AM 682 Views
Re: Perhaps they would die? - 06/08/2010 08:51:58 AM 594 Views
Re: Perhaps they would die? - 06/08/2010 07:52:07 PM 668 Views
Re: Perhaps they would die? - 04/08/2010 02:57:31 PM 706 Views
they can't - 04/08/2010 12:54:46 AM 777 Views
Re: they can't - 04/08/2010 01:39:17 AM 637 Views
Re: they can't - 04/08/2010 02:27:45 AM 776 Views
Re: they can't - 04/08/2010 05:15:12 AM 754 Views
Re: they can't - 04/08/2010 05:35:20 AM 660 Views
Re: they can't - 04/08/2010 07:09:45 AM 742 Views
Re: they can't - 04/08/2010 02:44:10 PM 694 Views
read the oaths again - 04/08/2010 08:15:24 PM 711 Views
Re: read the oaths again - 05/08/2010 01:08:32 AM 706 Views
Re: read the oaths again - 05/08/2010 05:52:08 PM 699 Views
I don't think #1 is as simple as you say. - 04/08/2010 02:22:25 AM 685 Views
What kind of advantage is it, anyway? - 04/08/2010 03:43:40 AM 681 Views
Re: What kind of advantage is it, anyway? - 04/08/2010 11:16:03 AM 650 Views
- 04/08/2010 04:04:35 PM 634 Views
Egwene had novices teach it to Adelorna... - 04/08/2010 07:10:42 AM 728 Views
For the most part, they can only defend themselves... - 04/08/2010 10:59:23 AM 842 Views
Yes, we really need to see... - 04/08/2010 01:19:15 PM 677 Views
Re: For the most part, they can only defend themselves... - 04/08/2010 03:35:53 PM 740 Views
Re: For the most part, they can only defend themselves... - 04/08/2010 04:41:41 PM 653 Views
Re: For the most part, they can only defend themselves... - 05/08/2010 01:17:44 AM 711 Views
I think the BT would wipe the floor with the damane on their home turf - 05/08/2010 08:19:38 PM 635 Views
Re: I think the BT would wipe the floor with the damane on their home turf - 05/08/2010 11:57:43 PM 670 Views
Whoa whoa whoa! - 06/08/2010 03:07:34 AM 662 Views
agreed! - 06/08/2010 05:37:46 PM 669 Views
Re: Whoa whoa whoa! - 06/08/2010 07:42:35 PM 779 Views
Are you kidding? - 06/08/2010 11:49:42 PM 677 Views
I actually think the opposite: the damane would wipe the floor with the BT - 13/08/2010 11:27:21 PM 680 Views
Umm... Dumai's wells? - 14/08/2010 04:15:59 AM 629 Views
Depends on the circumstances really - 14/08/2010 02:39:30 PM 684 Views
I don't think that's the case - 05/08/2010 08:02:27 PM 787 Views
My thoughts on the damane... - 05/08/2010 04:11:35 AM 632 Views
Re: My thoughts on the damane... - 05/08/2010 01:24:38 PM 645 Views
How exactly would Egwene learn where the Damane are kept? - 05/08/2010 07:57:55 PM 874 Views
Interrogate the Damane. - 05/08/2010 10:32:17 PM 578 Views
unlikely that she would go there - 06/08/2010 05:37:18 PM 706 Views
Re: unlikely that she would go there - 06/08/2010 07:47:41 PM 615 Views

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